Wednesday, February 27, 2008



Beth Cotell said...

Ha! I can totally relate!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Too cute!!!!! And funny.

Happy Wednesday to you!

Chelle' said...

P-HA!!!! I can't even take it. Hilarious.

Mari said...

That's funny - but it's usually the women who have that issue!

Fran said...

Absolutely hilarious!!!

AlaneM said...

I SO resemble that!

connorcolesmom said...

I totally did that the other day!
Just for fun but still I was typing as I was talking to illustrate something to my Connor about the computer.
Love ya,

Rebekah said...

Ha! I never wanted to have a lap top but yesterday I was thinking how nice it would be to be able to tote my computer where ever I go so I could log on when ever I wanted.

Laski said...

This is so bad . . . I think this is me . . . the one typing :)

jennyhope said...

what is so funny is that I seriously do that sometimes when I talk. Hilarious!


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