Sunday, December 27, 2009

Growing UP! Monday

One So Blessed

Paul and I were visiting a nearby church this morning. We are kid-less, so we decided to head down the hill and listen to one of our favorite pastors, Louis Neeley. As he stepped up to the podium, he began, "Today I feel led to take a break from Romans and share what I feel the Lord has put on my heart. Our Calling."

He shared 2 Corinthians 5:16-20, and went on to remind us that we are ambassadors of Christ. We are chosen soldiers in a foreign land. We all desire to be accepted, yet, ambassadors often times forget who they represent.

I was encouraged, when he reminded me, we are all uniquely made. We are jewels in His crown. God has made every precious jewel with distinct and beautiful characteristics. All to be used for His glory.

Pastor Neeley wrapped his sermon up by reminding us of the charge we are to keep. Ambassadors of the one true King, we are to take each day seriously, seeking out opportunities to share the love of Christ to a hurting world.

As Christians, everyday is important.
And, everyday, holds eternal implications for someone.
Pastor Louis Neeley


Andrea said...

Every time I think about being uniquely made...I am reminded that there are those I can reach for Christ that you may not be able to reach and likewise there are those you will reach who would never listen to me. That being said, I am convicted to be all GOD created me to all my uniqueness!

Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea

Beth Herring said...

Sounds like an awesome sermon. I am thankful that God spoke to you through it. I love it when I hear Him clearly!

Praying your new year will be amazing!

Lauren said...

what a wise man! I love that quote at the bottom ... I think I may print that out and put it on my vanity to start each day with. Beautiful

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Well, Pastor Neely sounds like a great preacher/pastor. As for my "eternal" worth today, I haven't done much more than do my level best at screwing up as a mother. I finally gave my 20 year old enough money to take everyone to the movies so I could just be alone.

This break has nearly done me in, but I am reminded that there are still a few hours left to get it right.

Thanks for the prompt. Love you. Congrats on your article coming out. I'm so currently lost in this writing journey; don't know which end is up.


Karen said...

Wow...that ending quote is powerful...thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

I love this, because it reminds me of our collective calling. I often struggle with my own, specific calling. Am I in it? Is it actually this or that?

I don't have clear answers, but I do know that my foundational purpose is to know Him and make Him known. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Sue Tornai said...

Thank you for the wakeup call! We are all in this together and we each have to be prepared to give reason for our faith. You're a blessing, Joanne.

Barbara said...

I love the sermon...and love being reminded there is a reason that I am different...God has made us unique...doesn't it make for a wonderful journey? All of our sisters and none of them the same....have a blessed week!


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