Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who's Counting?

Five hours, forty-eight minutes, and fifteen seconds from now, I will be jumping into my stylish mini-van and leaving my family for six whole days.

But who's counting?

I'm headed to the annual Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. Same time. Same place -the majestic Santa Cruz mountains. It's a piece of Heaven on earth. Truly.

My bags are packed and you've been stuffed along inside, in between my fluffy blue slippers and my green high school sweatshirt.

For those of you who can't make it this year, but have a burning question about writing or anything else pertaining to the conference or someone who may be there, email me or comment below. I'll try and get the answers for you.

I will be in the company of some amazingly talented writers, editors, and publishers. So, if you're making your own trek up, make sure to say hi! I'll be the one eating brownies and drooling, with the giddy "I left my kids for six days with their father." look on my face.


Beth Herring said...

Have a wonderful time Joanne!

I will pray for you.


Denise said...

Have a great time my friend.

mariel said...

have a great time!! :) Can't wait to hear about lal you did and learned!

Karen said...

Safe travels...good fellowship...and a blessed time!

BARBIE said...

Wish I were going. We could have met in person. I only live about 45 mins from Santa Cruz. Where do you live? Blessings!

Unknown said...

Just found your blog linking through many others. I love it! I am fondly jealous of your time at the writer's conference. I hope you can enjoy every single minute of it!!


LisaShaw said...

Wow! Enjoy yourself and may the LORD bless you and all who attend with His presence. You are so special to my heart Joanne! Praying for you and for your family while you are away.

Love you.

Tea with Tiffany said...

I wish I could hob nob with you there. :) Praying..

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Prayers for a blessed week all around.


Barbara said...

That is a trek I wish I were making with you. Prayers for a safe trip and a successful conference...WOW them with your words, girl! And be sure to keep us posted!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

Love you girls! Thank you for the prayers. I need every single one.

Hoping to post VERY soon.


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