For the past year, every morning when I wake up and get around to checking my email there's always a little gift there for me. I receive a morning devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries called 'Encouragement for Today'. I encourage you today, to go to their site and subscribe to it. It has blessed me so many mornings. I have even thanked one of their devotional writers Micca Campbell for her timely 'apples of gold in settings of silver' devotions that I knew surely she had written just for me.
While perusing the blogosphere I came accross Lysa TerKeurst's blog, another one of the gals from the Proverbs 31 Ministries. She is giving away a scholorship for the 'She Speaks' conference. This is a conference that encourages women in ministry to use their God given talents and gifts to speak and to write for God's glory. Just like every time I see the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes commercial and hear Ed McMahon's voice, I started to get excited that maybe my name would be drawn! Maybe this time it would be me!
My mind went into overdrive, "Is it my time Lord? You know I love to write Father. I would just have to bring my teenage daughter Meghan along if I won. Oh, she would LOVE it! When would we ever have an opportunity to go to North Carolina again?" On and on my mind raced...then I saw it....the very long and talented list of bloggers who had already thrown their hat in the ring. "Forget it." I said out loud. I had forgotten my husband Paul was sitting in his office while I perused. He asked me, "Forget what?" I explained to him the giveaway and that I wasn't about to add my name to that gifted list of godly women. He said, "Joanne, don't underestimate what God can do." I thought to myself, "He's right. Our God is a God of impossibilities."
My mind went into overdrive, "Is it my time Lord? You know I love to write Father. I would just have to bring my teenage daughter Meghan along if I won. Oh, she would LOVE it! When would we ever have an opportunity to go to North Carolina again?" On and on my mind raced...then I saw it....the very long and talented list of bloggers who had already thrown their hat in the ring. "Forget it." I said out loud. I had forgotten my husband Paul was sitting in his office while I perused. He asked me, "Forget what?" I explained to him the giveaway and that I wasn't about to add my name to that gifted list of godly women. He said, "Joanne, don't underestimate what God can do." I thought to myself, "He's right. Our God is a God of impossibilities."
I am leaving this wholly up to Him.
So...I am not going to bore you by going on and on about why you should choose me. I am not going to try and convince you of my close walk with the Lord, or every reason why it should be me you pick from that list of godly gals. I am only going to say that my God is the God of impossibilities and if it is meant for me to go, then He will make it happen.
So...I am not going to bore you by going on and on about why you should choose me. I am not going to try and convince you of my close walk with the Lord, or every reason why it should be me you pick from that list of godly gals. I am only going to say that my God is the God of impossibilities and if it is meant for me to go, then He will make it happen.
"For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37

I really pray you are selected as the recipient of this scholarship friend.
The Lord is good, He goes before you- and He can make a way.
I'm excited to see the outcome of this...
I love you friend.
I had never heard of this before. Very interesting. And it would be such a wonderful event to share with your daughter.
This would be a great mother daughter experience, blessings on the ability for both of you to attend.
Hey friend. I was just praying for you...asking the Lord to look favorably upon you as the scholarship recipient is selected/announced in the next day.
As a sidenote however, I wanted to let you know that I have noticed you not being online, blogging, etc over the past two months AND I know it is out of a desire to honor the Lord and your husband/family...
I wanted to encourage you as you continue to make choices that are sometimes sacrificial for you but that are ALWAYS pleasing to the Lord!
Your efforts are not going unnoticed.
Dear Joanne,
I just found your blog through..well, I can't remember!
I'll be back to visit! I love the Rich Mulins song, (I have this CD )and I love the picture and the story of your daughter who wants to give Bibles to China!
A good book I read about that is called "The Heavenly Man."The man who wrote it is a Chinese believer who fasted and prayed for several months to get it! He even dreamed about who would give it to him and it happened just as he dreamed.
Yes, God is using you and with God ALL things ARE possible!
God Bless,
ps. Keith Green is now playing!Thanks for having it on!
You Tube has alot about R.Mullins and K.Green!
In Christ,
Writing to Encourage YOU!
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