Saturday, October 11, 2008

Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Love is not a fight.

My husband and I went to the movies to see Fireproof last night. This is now my new favorite song. It explains love and marriage perfectly. When Paul and I have our own heated discussions (politically correct for: knock down drag out fights) I often struggle with the urge to run away, walk out in my anger and leave. The line from this song, "If we try to leave, may God send angels to guard the door." speaks right to me.

At the age of twenty-seven I watched my first marriage go down in flames-personally pouring gasoline on that raging fire. I am so thankful that we serve a God of second chances. My life is a testimony that our Lord can bring life from the wreckage of poor choices. My marriage today is beauty from ashes. My husband Paul is the love of my life, my best friend, and the other half of me.

Friends, if you haven't seen this movie...SEE IT. If you know of ANYONE who is married, encourage them to SEE IT. If you know ANYONE who is engaged or in a serious relationship, tell them to SEE IT.

...and make sure to bring a big ol' box of kleenex.


Lana said...

I have not seen Fireproof yet... but am really looking forward to seeing it soon.
Thanks for sharing this

Mari said...

We saw it last week. It's a good movie with such a great message!

He & Me + 3 said...

We are supposed to see it next weekend. I am so excited. What a song...lots to think about. Those words are powerful. Thanks for sharing.

Growin' With It said...

what a great song and awesome words! marriage is tough and it's good to see encouragement for all of us. i look forward to seeing this movie!

Anonymous said...

I hope it comes out on video soon! I haven't seen it yet, but always enjoy movies best at home :) It will also be good to be able to pause it at anytime and talk about how we can "fireproof" our marriage. We have a good marriage, but we have our struggles too. I have to think there isn't a marriage that couldn't be blessed by this movie though :)

I love the song too, thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Joanne, I loved Fireproof. I blogged about it on my new blog, Writing from Home. I hope you will stop by. It is still a little bare, but it will get jazzed up soon. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Our marriage small group went to go see "Fireproof" on Saturday. One gal called the theater in the afternoon and was told that we didn't need to get tickets ahead of time because "these Christian movies never sell out"! Well, when we got there, guess what they were sold out! We were disappointed, but so happy that a Christian movie was sold out! We ended up at a nearby diner, and there was a group of college kids at the next table who were all going to see the late showing. That were a blessing, too! Plan B is when it comes out in video, we'll all get together and watch it then. Proverbs 16:9
In his heart a man (or woman) plans his (her) course, but the LORD determines his (her)steps.

~Amy~ said...

DH and I saw it on opening weekend... I loved it and so did he. I have ordered the "Love Dare" book and plan to get started on it as soon as it comes in. Marriage is so tough esp. when kids and work are involved. Thanks for sharing this video. I sure hope they put out a cd soundtrack.

Amy Wyatt said...

I loved this song in the movie. So glad you shared it. We enjoyed the movie too and highly recommend it! Congrats on your article in P31.

Unknown said...

Beautiful song! I hope we can go see the movie this week.

Tea with Tiffany said...

Love this song. Loved the truths in the movie. I bought two Love Dare books too.


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