My Blessed Guest today comes all the way from North Carolina. I watched as she began her blog-journey, and have even had the opportunity to chat with her on the phone. She's a tender, and loving person. She truly aspires to be all the Lord has for her to be. If you haven't met Beth from Heading Towards My Destiny, today is the day. I know you'll just love her!
I'm so happy you're here today Beth. I know everyone is looking forward to you sharing a little bit about yourself today! Let's begin in the beginning. Tell us about the birth of your blog. How did you start blogging?
My blog was birthed after one of the most traumatic experiences in my adult life. My husband's home church, and the church where I had served faithfully for 15 years -- split. It was one of the ugliest things I had ever witnessed. It truly shook my foundation! Every thing at church I knew as familiar and "right" was suddenly cracked and no longer a part of my life. My beliefs were challenged and it was a time of great soul searching.
With so many emotions bottled up inside, I knew I needed to WRITE to work my way through.
What do you/ don't you love about it?
I absolutely love my blog and all of the friends that I have made through blogging. It is definitely an extension of me. I have kept diaries and journals most of my life. Now I am typing my experiences versus using a pen. I have created two books containing the contents of my blog so far (it is about time for another one) and I hope my children and grandchildren will treasure them some day. I want them to see my humanity, yet my love and desire to please my Lord.
The ONLY thing I dislike about my blog is the lack of time I have to visit all of my friends. It truly can take over an entire day!
What has surprised you the most about blogging?
I had no idea that I would build such sweet friendships. When I first started blogging, I was THRILLED to see so many other Christians out in the blogosphere. I have friends on here who pray me through!
I also didn't know that bloggers do giveaways and I've been blessed to receive some gift cards, jewelry, books, CD's, etc ... I have given away several presents myself. It truly is a blessing and a lot of fun!
Bloggers are usually writers. Is there anywhere else you write?
I love to write and have always believed that the day would come when I would publish, but not yet. Life is too busy right now with a 4 year old (hopefully another one within the year) and elderly parents who are in poor health. Like most women, I am pulled in different directions. Stay tuned though. I do have some books in me that WILL be birthed.
Do you use your blog for your ministry?
Not intentionally, though people send me emails sharing that my posts minister to them. I just work through my own struggles and share what God has taught me. To God be the glory if anyone is touched!
Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?
Since I must choose, one that always oozes Jesus is written by my friend Rosel (Off the Beaten Trek at http://offthebeatentrek.blogspot.com/ ). She is prison nurse and she eloquently ties God's truths into her work experiences each day. Her job is so interesting and I'm amazed at how God uses her to reach the prisoners -- one act of mercy at a time.
Another blog that stands out to me is Alicia (Yaya Stuff at http://www.yayastuff.net/ ). Alicia has a style of her own. She is very real and raw - which I admire. She has struggled with the loss of children through miscarriage and is enduring the long road of waiting to adopt a child. She is full of life and I often giggle when I read her posts.
I can't discuss "real and raw" without mentioning Angela at Freespirithaven (http://www.freespirithaven.com/ ). She is my Canadian friend who just puts it out there: Her struggles, her encouragement, her love for Jesus.
Oh, this is a hard question! I have so many friends on here and each one is unique. I love them all! Seriously, I am seeing all of these faces:
Debbie at Heart Choices (http://www.heartchoices.com/ ),Lisa at Sharing Life with Lisa (http://lisashawshares.blogspot.com/ ), Beth at Outnumbered Three-to-one (http://endeanmom1.blogspot.com/ ),Nan at Momstheword (http://momstheword--livingforhim.blogspot.com/ ), Mimi at He & Me + 3 (http://dingdingdorn.blogspot.com/ ), Alicia's pictures at More Than Words (http://minyards7.blogspot.com/ ), Tara at Keeping Up with the Kellys (http://thekellykorner.blogspot.com/ ), Pam at You're Gonna Miss This (http://pramom26.blogspot.com/ ), April (who makes me cry) at Straight From the Heart (http://april-georgia.blogspot.com/ ), Jennifer at Through the Storms of Life (http://ordinarychristianwomansheart.blogspot.com/ ), My little political friend Mel at A Voice for Moms (http://avoiceformoms.blogspot.com/ ), Beth at An Instrument for His Glory (http://aninstrument4hisglory.blogspot.com/ ), CC at His Heart (http://his-heart.blogspot.com/ ),Pam at Pam's Journey of Grace (http://pamsjourneyofgrace.blogspot.com/ ), Deanna at Motherhood in Real Time (http://www.motherhoodinrealtime.com/ ), Liz at TidBits from Liz (http://tidbitsfromliz.blogspot.com/ ), Julie at Wife.Mom.Nurse (http://wifemomnurse.blogspot.com/ ), A new blog that everyone will enjoy is Angie at Laughter Does the Heart Good (http://godcreatedlaughter.blogspot.com/ ), Paula at Hislivingsacrifice (http://www.hislivingsacrifice.com/ ), Alicia at Confessions of a Snowflake (http://confessionsofasnowflake.blogspot.com/), Jill at Forever 'n Ever 'n Always ( http://forevernevernalways1.blogspot.com/) Denise at Shortybear's Place (http://shortybearsplace.blogspot.com/ ), Marsha at Marsha's Musings (http://www.marshasmusings.com/ ), Billy at What I Learned Today (http://www.billycoffey.com/ ),Michele at Beelieve You Can - Michele's Morsels (http://michele-risingabove.blogspot.com/ ), Jenifer at By His Grace (http://www.byhisgraceministry.com/ ), Anitra at If Mama Ain't (http://www.ifmamaaint.blogspot.com/ ), Erica at Scottsville (http://d6scotts.blogspot.com/ ), Alleluiabelle at Humble As I Go http://alleluiabelle.blogspot.com:
Oh, the list could go on for hours. If I didn't mention you, it is only because I'm afraid my sweet interviewer will think I'm copying a list and I'm not. I'm leaving off so many sweet people that I love to visit. Of course it goes without saying JOANNE AT BLESSED ... is she who believed!
Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?
Yes I have! Mimi at He & Me + 3 (http://dingdingdorn.blogspot.com/ ), Miti at Pieces of Me (http://piecesofmiti.blogspot.com/) , CC at His Heart (http://his-heart.blogspot.com/ ), Liz at Tidbits from Liz (http://tidbitsfromliz.blogspot.com/ ), Tara at Keeping up with the Kellys (http://thekellykorner.blogspot.com/ ), Mel at A Voice for Moms (http://avoiceformoms.blogspot.com/ ), Carolina Mama at Carolina Mama (http://carolinamama1.blogspot.com/ ), Jenifer at By His Grace (http://www.byhisgraceministry.com/ ), Lenika at Empowering Women to Have it All (http://lenika-scott.blogspot.com/ ), Angie at Laughter Does the Heart Good, Anitra at If Mama Ain't (http://www.ifmamaaint.blogspot.com/ ),
Who has made the biggest impact on your life?
Other than the Lord of course, I couldn't possibly name one person. I have a group of ladies in my life that I call my "heart-friends". My heart-friends are those who have taught me about God's love, have walked with me through the fire, and have been true sisters in every meaning of the word. I can't imagine where I'd be today without them.
Do you have a favorite scripture?
Psalm 63:1-7
1 O God, you are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary
and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
6 On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
What would surprise us about you?
It is my heart's desire to lay hands on the sick and see them healed! I want to see people healed in ever sense of the word, physically and spiritually. I want to truly walk in that anointing.
What's your favorite flavored potato chip?
I don't eat chips anymore (sniff, sniff), but back in the day I guess I loved BBQ.
Favorite thing to do with your family?
Ride our ATV and enjoy the beauty of the mountains.
What book is on your nightstand right now?
God Sightings: The One Year Bible (NIV)
Last food you ate?
When was the last time you played the air guitar?
Surely it has been a WHILE. Ha.
Thank you for being my Blessed Guest today Beth. It's been a pleasure getting to know you a little bit more. Come back over again real soon!

Joanne, before you seek Benny Hinn's "anointing," you may want to read some of the articles on my website at
Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press
Ha ... you can assure Bud that I don't want to be like Benny Hinn. I was using his type of ministry as an example. Oh dear, I hope that doesn't get a fire storm started. lol
Thank you again for having me Joanne.
(At the end, you still have Nan's name, fyi. Though I don't mind being confused with Nan. She is sweet.)
Love you,
I've enjoyed another interview! I went through a church break-up too and it's sooo hard. In the end, it really was a learning and growing experience though.
Great interview!I learned a lot:) Blessings, Faye
When I first visited sister Beth [I was still new to blogging], it was all those colorful thing-ies and the background music that drew me in. And that stairway to heaven? [her header]. Little did I know, there was so much more her words offer. It wasn't those things but it was the love and light of the Lord that drew me in. Lots of meat to chew every time I visit her now. I arrive with so much hunger and thirst and leave satiated. I'm so grateful for bloggers like sister Beth and you, who are willing to be used by the Lord to spread His love and light through this. To reach many who don't know Him. To encourage us, who know Him and grow weak at times. To God be the glory! Thank you for this awesome interview. It is great to know more about a precious sister in Christ. God bless you both.
Beth, as one who knows and loves you; I understand what you were saying about laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed through the power and anointing of Jesus Christ...a beautiful GIFT and I'm sure your heart pleases the LORD.
I enjoyed reading a bit more about you although most of it I already know from reading your blog (smile). You're a sweet spirit!
Praying for that beautiful family expansion for you this year!!! Love you.
great interview.....
What a fun interview. I knew so much of it, but I learned some new things. YOu are precious my friend. Your favorite verses are beautiful.
I like BBQ chips too:)
Beth is an awesome woman and I am blessed to call her friend. It's so neat to read more about her here. Great blog!!
So nice to "meet" you, Beth! What a fun interview to read!
I absolutely love Beth and have followed her blog for some time. She is truly inspiring.
Beth - have followed you for a while and I always get a glimpse of God when I visit!
I loved his interview! It is fun getting to know more about people - it helps to know them better.
Thanks Joanne for having Beth as your guest!
another Beth
I loved reading this, Beth!! You are such a blessing in the blog community!!! And I have to say that I do feel special that you mentioned my blog!!!!!!!!!
Would have loved to have you with me last night at the Healing Mass girl...
Here's a Kleenex sweet sister to wipe your tears about the chips..SIGH..It's been well almost four years for myself since chips were in my life, sniff, sniff,,pass that Kleenex back please, lol
Thanks for sharing your heart with everyone here,especially those that have not 'met' you yet.
Love ya girl...
Thanks everyone for the very sweet comments. (((hugs))) Ya'll are the best. I love you!
Thank you again Joanne for this honor.
Love & hugs,
This was a great interview with Beth. I know her and love her blog.
LOVED THIS! Wow! Felt like we were in the same room hearing her sweet voice!
Beth-I've never met, but sure hope to one day!
Enjoyed this interview!
You always have such great guests! Lots of insights to share. :)
Great interview Joanne! Beth is terrific because God is great.
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