I had the pleasure of meeting today's Blessed Guest while in Florida last fall. Though I'd been a regular visitor on her blog for quite sometime. In October, I was given the chance to hug her in person. We were both speakers for a women's conference.
I heard her coming before I ever saw her. She'd driven three hours, making her way to meet the rest of us girls at Angie's house. Her vehicle crunched over the gravel in the driveway, announcing her arrival with worship music-a-blaring. She didn't know we could see her. It was clear she was having some special time with the Lord. Like I said, I heard her coming before I ever saw her.
Lisa has a love for the Lord and a heart for His children that I can't put into words. Her personality is bubbly, bold, and beautiful. She has a desire to change lives for Christ, and won't rest until she has finished all He has for her here.
Lisa is one busy woman, so I'm glad I was able to grab her for a quick interview. I know you will love her as much as I do.
Would you please give a big round of comments to Lisa Shaw from Sharing Life with Lisa!
Lisa, tell us about the birth of your blog. How did you begin blogging?
I started blogging because I was doing an online Email Devotional titled: Breathe the Word for 5 years and I was not even aware Blogs existed until my hubby introduced me to typepad in 2004 and the rest was history. I asked the LORD to use my heart for HIM, the strong voice that I not only speak but live each day -- to use it for His glory on line as He does off line. I was excited, yet nervous back at that time, to share in this capacity because it's the worldwide net as they say but GOD quickly put my concerns to rest by reminding me of Jeremiah chapter 1. It was then I put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and moved my sharing from Email to Blogs. Again, the rest is history and all for HIS glory!
What do you/ don't you love about it?
I absolutely love sharing my love and personal journey with Abba Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I enjoy encouraging others who visit and the privilege to intercede in prayer in line with the Word of GOD for those who stand in need. It's an honor to do so. My entire reason for blogging is to share GOD and that HIS love is the story of my life.
I am in awe of how GOD has used blogging to bring what began as on-line communication to off-line friendships with sisters in Christ. The ability to wrap your arms around a person you've been praying for and whose blog you visit, is an amazing gift from GOD.
What has surprised you the most about blogging?
How many incredibly awesome, loving people are out there across the world blogging and touching each others lives for Jesus Christ. What a joy! What a treasure! What a privilege that GOD has provided to us.
Do you use your blog for your ministry?
Yes. All three of my blogs are a part of the Ministry work GOD began off line in my life long ago. My main website is www.lisashawministries.org and through there all my blogs can be accessed. Sharing Life with Lisa is the main ministry blog. The LORD has always allowed me to minister to and nurture women and married couples. I'm honored to have such a calling from HIM for many years and I respect that it's His Anointing, His calling, His purposes and His ministry. I'm just a servant who has been given stewardship over the work He's placed into my hands. I pray HE is glorified through every part of it on and off line.
Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?
I'm not going to get into trouble here (smile). There are way too many to list and I don't want to leave not one out so let me just say that I enjoy all the BLOGS that I visit and there are a few very special ones that minister to the core of my heart in my journey in Christ. I'm grateful for them all.
Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?
Yes indeed and PRAISE THE LORD! April 2009 I met Karen from Surviving Motherhood. She is sweet sweet!! I then had the pleasure in the summer of meeting a woman who is so important to my life, Tammy from Not Mine But God's Story. I have a testimony behind that which would take too long to write but people can read it on the side bar of my Pro-Life blog. Tammy and I spent an entire day together and she is precious to me.
I had the opportunity to meet Jennifer from Through the Storms. She's funny and I can tell we'd get into sisterly trouble if she lived close! (smile). Shortly thereafter I met Lisa from Glad Chatter. My daughter and I spent a few hours at the side of a hotel pool with her and her beautiful children one afternoon as they were here for a conference. Lisa loves her family and it shows!
Then in August I was able to wrap my arms around the woman who GOD used to adopt me as her sister, Angie Knight from The Knightly News. I could write on about Angie but I'll just say for anyone like me who never had the joy of a biological sister, I can tell you that GOD has given me a blessing in her! I have also met Susan from Count It All Joy! What a precious jewel in the Kingdom of GOD! Warm and sweet and a praying woman!!
Then at the Free to be Me Retreat there are a host of sisters in Christ all who are sweet, beautiful and precious so I'll just list them out...Sabrina, Rachel (Beautiful Daughters), Joanne Kraft (that's you), Barbara (B His Girl), Alecia Potter, Wendy Cox, Donetta (A Life Uncommon), Lynn Donavan, Tiffany Stuart, (Tea with Tiffany) Marsha, Mary Snyder, April (Called2Worship) & Tiffany (My Shoe Full Life) (Angie's girls), Barbara (Ivy Path blog), Teresa Rainey and I'm probably leaving out one or two so I apologize in advance. Oh and although she doesn't blog she is on Facebook and she is a shout now sister and I adore her. Her name is Connie Haile!
There are SO many I'd like to meet in person and as I've told people I have a prayer list with names on it with requests to Abba Father to meet those specific ladies and so far HE's answering my prayers in the order that He desires and I'm loving it! He's so awesome!!!
Who has made the biggest impact on your life?
This is a four fold answer: Grandma and Grandpa, my Hubby and Joyce Meyer and in that order. I am thankful to my Mother who gave me life and to a Father that I never knew but he was a part of giving me life but it is my Grandparents who are now with the LORD; that impacted my life greatly whenever my Mother and Step-father permitted us to be with them which for me was pretty often thank GOD! Grandma taught me how to be a lady, how to have a strong back bone because people, the enemy and life would surely try to curve your stance. She taught me how to love and walk in Biblical submission to a husband and how to pray and stand on the Word. Grandpa gave me unconditional love and was the only man in my life that kept me feeling safe. Grandpa taught me the value of standing for your family and loving them at all costs and I do that with my husband, children and grand children.
My hubby is my best friend. The man whom GOD gave to me who loves me and provides spiritual covering and provision over my life through Christ. For 20 years he's empowered me to see myself via GOD's eyes and not the eyes of "people" which can often be very hurtful. My husband is my Champion. If you read Dream Giver then you know what I mean. He is a man of great integrity who loved me when I was a basket of emotional mess from my childhood pains. He stepped into a ready made family and made us his own. I see Christ in him in amazing ways and as I write this tears are flowing because I did absolutely nothing to have received him but I'm grateful to GOD for blessing my life with him. He often says the same to me and I'm thankful.
Joyce Meyer is the spiritual woman GOD has used to minister into my life since the late 80's beginning of the 90's and beyond. Much I could say but I'll just leave you with something she ministered that says it all, "You can choose to be pitiful or powerful". Well now, that sums it up! I CHOSE powerful in GOD long ago and I'm thankful! When people ask me to "explain" our ministry I often ask, "Do you know Dave and Joyce Meyer?". If they say, "yes". Then I add, Peter and I are some what like them in terms of me being the "mouth of the ministry" and he is my covering. I'm thankful for Joyce because there are many areas of her life that parallel with what mine was like and GOD used her to help me to HEAR HIM and be set free long ago and not just be "saved" but to walk in real victory through the love and power of Jesus Christ.
How about some tried and true blog randomness:
Do you have a favorite scripture?
Many that I love and stand on but the Scripture that I learned at the knee of my Grandma as a little girl is Psalm 27:13-14 (KJV). I have prayed, spoken, declared and stood on that WORD for the last 44 years. She used to speak it over me as she prayed. I would at times watch and listen to her through her bedroom door in the evening as she sat on the side of her bed and prayed, read the Word and then said that Scripture aloud. One day she called me to her side and the rest is history or should I say, "legacy"!
Grandma would call out family names and situations and she'd pray that Word. She was a small woman in body but mighty in the LORD and His word. I have passed that Scripture to my own children and now I speak it over my grand babies.
What would surprise us about you?
Not much. Who I am on line is truly me off line. Just watch a video or two and that will surely tell you how I am off line or ask a sister who blogs who has met and spent time with me. I'm no surprise to the LORD or to people (smile). I'm just me, a JESUS loving sister who is very flawed and imperfect which is why I'm grateful to not only know JESUS but to belong to HIM. Hallelujah!
Favorite thing to do with your family?
Pray together, laugh together, long talks about living the WORD in the world. Our chicken wing New Year's Eve traditions. Mommy/Daughter days out. Long phone talks with our adult daughter. Seeing my Grand babies and having them run me around until my sweaty. My head on my hubby as our hearts beat together and he reads the Bible to me which sends me off to sleep. Using my laptop with my dogs Goodness and Merci under each elbow as they are right now. Aww, too many moments to share and all are a privilege GOD has allowed me to have and my heart is grateful.
What book is on your nightstand right now?
Too many to tell you...nightstand, on the floor and in the large wicker basket by the side of my end table and if I could get away with it there would be a trail of books leading into my home office where two floor to ceiling bookshelves are stacked right now. Did you say I'm a bookaholic? Maybe (smile). Love Christian non-fiction especially. I will say, one that absolutely blessed me several weeks back was Dream Giver.
Last food you ate?
Organic Walnuts and dried cranberries for a snack.
When was the last time you played the air guitar?
I don't but I can play the fake drums like crazy!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by today Lisa. It was great getting to talk with you. I am already looking forward to hugging my birthday-buddy again in October.

Love that scripture. I am still confident of this...The only thing missing from this post is a link to Lisa's blog.
Another great interview! Lisa sounds like an inspiring woman and a lot of fun too!
Hi Sweetie, you blessed my heart with your sisterly friendship Joanne. You had me cracking up that you heard me before you even saw me. Funny, 20 years ago my hubby said the same thing (smile).
And it was a 5.5 hour drive to see and hug the necks of you girls and it was worth every minute and I'm glad to be able to do it again in October.
I'm also glad the LORD birthed us on the same day! You are special to me. Love you and thanks for allowing me to share my heart for the LORD on your blog today.
I'm envious that I haven't met Lisa in person.
Lisa and I have been friends online since I found blogging. :o)
She is a Woman of God and a precious sister through and through.
Thank you for interviewing Lisa. She is such a blessing to the blogging community and beyond!
Thanks for sharing Lisa's interview, She truly is a woman of God and I am so blessed to call her my Sistah!!!
Hugz Lorie
Great interview! Lisa is a wonderful person and as sweet in person as online.
When I meet Lisa it was if we had known each other since our first breath. We are two peas in a pod! ;)
In His Grace,
Lisa you are always always so inspiring. You just over flow with the love of Christ.
Keep up everything that you are doing girlfriend. I'm sure to meet you someday as we're both in the same state! LOL.
May God continue to guide you, protect you and give you discernment sister Lisa as you do those special ministries for His glory! You are an awesome, humble servant of the Lord! So blessed here to have you as a friend and sister in Christ. And thank you also for your incessant prayers. Glory to God!
Love that Lisa and you! Great interview. B
What a great interview Joanne! I love Lisa Shaw and I hope to get to meet her in person soon.
Lisa has been such a comfort and an encourager to me in my life. I love her like a sister even though we've not had the pleasure of hugging in person.
As you described her Joanne, I had to laugh. That's exactly how I picture Lisa being. After all, she's obviously a popular sanguine personality and is on fire for the Lord.
Awesome interview with an awesome woman of GOD.
May GOD bless you both.
Hugs, andrea
Lisa sounds like loads of joy!!! I am off to visit her today - thank you for bringing all these lovely bloggers to our attention! :)
What a great interview you have done here with Lisa! I think it completely captures her essence and her love of God. She is one remarkable woman and one whom I hope to someday meet. It would be one of my greatest and deepest joys!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
A true, generous spirit straight from the heart of Father God. She's as real as they come. I feel so honored to call her friend and sister.
Sisters in Christ,
I am blessed in your love and encouragement. I'm even MORE blessed that I can all each of you my sisters in Christ. I love you and as I read down your comments I prayed over each one of you and your family and I trust GOD so I know HE knows your needs and provides for them.
Again, Joanne, I love you dear sister-friend. Hugging you.
Joanne, loved how you shared that you could hear Lisa coming before you saw her. That made me smile :) She is full of joy and praise for our Lord, isn't she?
Lisa, God bless as you continue your ministry for HIM!! (Love your photo, by the way!)
Great interview! If I ever get to Florida, I want to meet Lisa. I would love to pray with her!
I know in my heart that Lisa and I are going to meet in person one day! She is a precious, and I am so blessed to know her as my sister and friend.
Thanks, Joanne, for posting this interview! Oh, and for the record...if Lisa and I lived closer together, we'd probably get into "sisterly trouble", too! ;-)
She's right. What you read on her blog is HER REAL SELF. AWESOME and amazingly anointed!
Okay. I have to stop or I'll start tearing up cause I MISS her!
I really love sister Lisa, she is an amazing blessing.
Oh, I love, LOVE Lisa, too!
Met her last April in FL, and felt like we were long friends. She wears Jesus very well!
I enjoyed this interview. Thanks!
Great interview! Lisa, your pores ooze JESUS! Thank God for you! You are truly a blessing:)
I haven't met Lisa in person, but I feel like I have because it seems I see her friendly little face button all over blog land with her bubbly personality and God's joy love spreading through in all of the comments she leaves. I would love to meet her for real someday too.
Thank you for hosting all of these wonderful interviews. I love reading and learning all about these wonderful beings.
Lee Ann
That was so fun reading and getting to know you better. i love that you are the same online as you are off line. You are blessed to have met so many bloggers too. God is so good!
You ladies bless my heart. Thank you so much and I pray GOD's blessings over each one of you. There's one or two I don't know and I will be sure to visit your blogs and get to know you.
Joanne, I so love your heart sister. Thanks again and I look forward to continuing to read the Blessed Guest family in Christ you share with us.
Love you all.
How is it that every time I see a photo of you, it is beautiful! That is the outside. The inside photo of you that I just read and listened to is even more beautiful! God has done a great work in your heart and life, and that great work in turn has blessed my life on a daily basis by my visits to your blog. Of all the people that I know in this life, you radiate God's love in the most amazing way. Truly, you have no idea how far reaching your blog ministry is. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of your answers. Thank you for the privilege. And, thank you for being a vessel of honor for Him.
I'd love the privilege of cooking a dinner for you since you comment on my recipes. Maybe someday...in our earthly home or heavenly mansion.
I know and love Lisa! She is amazing at making me and others feel so loved and cared for. It was nice getting to know her even more here today. :)
Lisa, you are so precious!
I've just read through this interview and loved it! That's Lisa... we all feel like she is one of our 'best friends', and she is! The best thing of all of these beautiful comments is... Lisa will smile and love them all, but in her heart she knows that all the glory goes to God. It's why we all love her!
Lisa is a dear, sweet blogging sister and such an encouragement to me.
I loved reading this post b/c it makes me realize just how much we have in common. My grandparents were also a vital, force in my life.
I hope to one day meet Lisa as well. Until then, what a blessing to be blogging sisters.
Love you both. Can't wait to worship the Lord in person together again. :)
Loved the interview....and love you Lisa....she is truly a "woman after God's own heart" both on and off the blog. I can hardly wait to see you both next fall!
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