Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Thing

There is something unexplainable and wholly miraculous about having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Me and Jesus have a pretty intimate relationship. Sounds silly to say out loud, but, it's the truth. Before I surrendered my heart to Jesus, I saw the world in muted greys and blues. I can still remember the day I finally "Got it!". The day I knew that I knew that I knew...He is God.

As much as it pains me to have experienced so much of my past without Him, my forgiven sinful "before" has made way for an "after" that shouts "Glory and Hallelujah!"

This past month, there is a verse in Isaiah the Lord has been using to speak to the very core of my being:

Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

His word tells me not to hang on to the past; old insecurities, old weaknesses, old hurts. It tells me He is doing something new.

God LOVES to do new things with the same old problems, old addictions, old hurtful relationships, old pains, old scars. Especially when it changes the same old you and the same old me. When we surrender those hurts and heartaches into His loving hands, only then can He do what He does best...make all things new.

He makes all things new. Revelation 21:5

New life, new freedoms, new relationships, and new regenerated people are His specialty. He desires to change us from the inside out so we can make a difference in this world.

Oh friends, there are quite a lot of "new things" He is doing in my life. What about you?

What "new thing" is He doing with you?


One Prayer Girl said...

Amen! He has made all things new in my life and continues to do so.

What "new thing" is He doing now?
He is blessing my pastoral care ministry every Monday. Maybe I give much to those I meet, but surely I receive much more.


Denise said...

May God continue to bless you.

Celia B said...

AMEN, Joanne! I can start and say: a husband I truly love and who loves ME! Blessings my friend, and know I am praying for you as you prepare to speak this weekend!

BARBIE said...

God is always doing something new in my life. Every day is a chance to embrace a new thing. Right now, He is blessing my ladies Bible study and woman are getting free, and He is helping me to not be afraid to reach out to encourage others.

Sheri said...

New thing: showing me being angry at Him is actually another gift from Him. Teaching me that He is still there no matter what, and showing me that I will need to be that same steady way with someone to work through some anger towards me. HE IS SO COOL!

Andrea said...

I am better able to trust HIM with my children and that has always been a challenge for me!
Blessings, andrea

Beth Herring said...

Joanne - that is one of my favorite passages of scripture. I love it when God does a new thing in my life! He is presently calling me to a higher and deeper relationship with Him, and I am learning to trust more in Him and Him only.

Love to you - Beth

Tea with Tiffany said...

This verse is key to the new things I'm stepping into. God started using this verse over the last couple years. Gotta love the new I see in YOU!


Joanne@ Blessed... said...

WOW! I just love hearing all He is doing with you girls!!! Keep the "NEW" a'comin'!

Aunt Angie said...

YES! He is doing a NEW THING in me! The LORD really used this verse in my (our) life over 15 years ago--but HE has opened it up again fresh and NEW in my heart in the last couple of weeks.

YOU are loved my dear SISTER!

Karen said...

Love this whole chapter in Isaiah...and enjoyed your testimony...

Every day is a new day with the Lord and just when I think He has done the absolute best things in my life...He outdoes Himself...again...and again....

Kathy Schwanke said...

That is one of my favorite power verses. I had to fight with it for over a year at one point to overcome condemnation for a faith failure. God is so Good!

mariel said...

WOW! That Isaiah verse could not have come up any more for me if I 'd had it tatooed on my forehead!!! Gee you think the Lord is trying to tell em something?! ;) Amen! to everything you said! God is working many truths into my heart through this verse and my mouth fell open when I read your post. Thank you for obediently sharing what God gave you.

Joanne@ Blessed... said... cool Mariel!

prashant said...

Blessings my friend, and know I am praying for you as you prepare to speak this weekend!
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