Missionaries have always been so very interesting to me. People that would leave the comforts and safety of America and put themselves in harms way to further the gospel, I just can't explain it. I am in awe of that commitment, that gifting of the Lord. We have two dear friends in Russian, Olga and Igor who spend time with us every time they are in the U.S. I love that the children can be around people who have given their very lives to the One that gave His life for them and us. One of my girlfriends from church 'Dana', has been to Russia quite a few times. The group of ladies that she goes with serve the Russian women there by putting on women's conferences, basic teachings of God's Word, showing them how to get the meat of God's Word in their spiritually hungry mouths. Dana sells homemade apple pies every year so she can afford the trip. This year with all that was going on in her home, Dana was not able to attend. Instead she made dozens of homemade pies and donated the money to the group of women in her absence. The group left without her a couple of days ago. Oh, the growth of an obedient godly woman who waits on the Lord before running ahead to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it. I know in my heart that the next time Dana is able to fly to Russia...OH what the Lord is going to do through her!
My heart swells to do many things in this lifetime, taking each of our kids before they move on to college on some type of missions trip is one of my hearts desires. If you too are inspired and truly 'Blessed...' to watch the fruit of a missions trip, God's hands and feet in action. Please go to the blogs
BooMama and
Rocks In My Dryer and read about their trip to Uganda, Africa. Both of these ladies are there now. Also for those of you who are interested in a beautiful young missionary family who are living overseas, please go to their site
Joy In The Journey.
For now, I will continue to pray for these very special people with their very special callings. My mission field is a small town in Northern California, in a home filled with four young children and a wonderful godly man...until the Lord gives me the green light, this is where I am to stay and bear my fruit for Him.
They are amazing, aren't they? Definitely 'made for the calling'. But, that doesn't mean it's easy by any means. My church supports a young Indian man and his family very closely and they have had a terrible time over there. Very hostile, 'dark' environment. He could very easily stay here, safe in the U.S. (relatively safe, anyway) and raise his family here, but their heart just bleeds for the people there who need the hope of Christ in their lives. Hard work, I'm sure, but how rewarding!
Well said! This is where I am at, too. Thanks for your comment on my post! :) You've read all my sappy posts about how much joy my little family brings me, so you know I wasn't complaining! I started feeling bad, like my missions post made it look like I was not happy with how my life turned out, and it actually couldn't be farther from the truth! I was just having a moment, though, wondering if I'll ever get to fulfill this desire. Wondering if I veered from the Lords plans (being unequally yoked) and ruined my chance to fulfill this lifelong passion and what was (to me) obviously a desire and a direction that the Lord placed in my heart. It was a momentary feeling of regret, but you and my other friends are so wonderful in those reminders and sweet words you sent me. Thank you! I know I may still do something like this, or I may not- but that if I submit to the Lord, He will use me in whichever way He chooses, and what could be greater than that!?!
I am amazed by missionaries too. One told me once that God doesn't call you to something you don't love - I think that is true with what He asks us to do here too.
I have a special place in my heart for Russia - I have 2 nieces that are adopted from there.
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