Thursday, October 9, 2008

Anything that grows - changes.

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon. Psalm 92:12

Change is inevitable...except from vending machines. anon

Growth and change go hand in hand. Change requires faith. Faith to believe that God is in control and that His plans may not make sense to us, but make perfect sense to Him. I love God but I hate change. I am perfectly happy living day in and day out in the comfort of monotony. Red lights flash and sirens scream their shrill warnings if I wander outside of familiarity.

My husband Paul is an attorney. He is a good attorney, a Christian attorney. I know, quite the oxymoron, isn't it? This week he is moving his office from his envied spot on Main Street in the quaint city of Placerville. Established in the 1800's, this California gold rush town is known for it's country charm and relaxed atmosphere. For six years, Paul has been the Atticus Finch, (Gregory Peck's character from the book/movie To Kill a Mockingbird), to folks in these parts. I can't begin to count how many times someone would walk in without an appointment, ask my husband legal questions and then walk back out of his office, never offering to pay for his services, my husband not demanding payment. Would you believe, one client even paid my husband in apples?

It surprised me when tears welled up in my eyes this morning as I witnessed a gentleman outside, at our request, climb up on a ladder and take down my husband's large office sign, his shingle. My tiny muscle of faith immediately being stretched, while my heart was reminded that God's plans for us are always sifted through his blood-stained hands of love.

This God given spot on the map has been more than good to our family. A true blessing of provision. Yet, like the Israelites, we feel the cloud of the Lord moving us on, (“By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way...”Exodus 13:21)
It is difficult to accept change and even harder to move when things are good. But we are learning that sometimes you have to say no to the good to say yes to God's best.


Mari said...

Change is so hard. Even when we know it is in God's will. However - we know God wants good for us. ("I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you" Jeremiah 29:11) He will be with you and Paul through this change!

A Stone Gatherer said...

God's blessings and protection as you follow the cloud! I feel the same way you do about change, but I know that our God never changes and HE is faithful! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!

Sheryl said...

God will certainly bless you for following His lead. But change sure is hard!!


Unknown said...

Sounds like your family is going through a lot of changes right now!

The Lord will take care of you and help you through it all. It is such a blessing to know that He is in control.

Aunt Angie said...

Joanne, I was listening to something this morning on my way in to work along these same lines. The stretching of our TRUST and FAITH in Him is an action on our part...but in OUR action of faith and TRUST...God's action is always surpassing our out! He WILL do amazingly powerful things in and THROUGH your lives--just keep believing (as the song says!)

I love YOU....If I were there....I'd give you a HUGE hug!

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

Wow Joanne, I am excited to see what God will do with your obedience and willingness to follow Him.

Change is hard but without it we would be unchanged.


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