Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Giveaway- Laced with Grace

The team of writers at Laced With Grace is please to announce their fall readers contest. They have joined with Women Of Faith Ministries to offer two premium tickets to attend the two day conference at any venue in the United States.

Tickets include admission for two, boxed lunches and other neat stuff.

"I attended my first Women of Faith event in 1998. It was there I found a new passion to begin reading my Bible every day. My life was forever changed because of Women of Faith." Shared Laced with Grace contributor Lynn Donovan.

What do you think God could do in your life through a Women of Faith conference?

Please plan to enter their contest daily. Stop in and read their daily devotions Monday through Friday and make sure to leave a comment. All comments count as an entry.

Laced with Grace will announce the winner on the Monday following Thanksgiving. ~A perfect day for one of their readers to receive a gift and a give thanks to the Lord for all He does in our lives.

Tell your friends and add their button to your blog or website then let Laced with Grace know. They will enter your comments twice into their drawing.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave Lynn a comment and she will email you.

****On a side note...I personally enjoy this site ALOT. Laced with Grace is a blessing to the internet and to so many Christian women in our blogosphere. I have been blessed to be a small part of God's mighty hand with this devotional website. If you have never stopped by, make a point to go there today!*****

1 comment:

Aunt Angie said...

Sister---I will be THRILLED the day that you kick off your shoes and stretch out and make yourself at my home! What a great time~ YOU know you are welcome here!

Love you bunches!!


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