Cold and flu season is just getting started and already I feel a sinus infection coming on. Once I feel the symptoms of an achy head, burning throat, or stuffed sinuses, I get my armor on, ready for battle. With a few years under my belt, thankfully, I have gained a little bit of wisdom. I work quickly to try and stop any ailment in its tracks. Taking vitamin C, Airborne, and Zicam, I arm myself to beat it down before it starts. I know just how miserable it is to be sick and I will do everything in my power to not let my enemy advance.
Head on over to Laced with Grace to read more. You will find out how I keep myself healthy, from the inside out!

Wow, that was so good!
Thanks!! Loved it so much, I'm sharing it on my blog! And I promise to call you SOON!!! Just been so busy.
Congratulations on the sale of your "Thanksgiving Tablecloth" article! How awesome is that??
Keep writing!
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