I'm so happy you stopped by. There's so much I'd love to share with you. (Much more than my husband would appreciate.) I chose the name of my blog Blessed... because it's how I view my life: as one so blessed. The word blessed means divine favor and that's exactly what I receive from the Lord every single day.
I began writing as soon as I was old enough to hold a pencil. My mother discovered LOTS about me through the written word of my Trapper-Keeper. Needless to say, I never learned to tuck away my journals in a special place.
For the past three years, I've taken writing more seriously. I am an online contributor for the women's devotion site Laced with Grace, Exemplify magazine and Internet Cafe Devotions. My articles have been published in:
Light of the Word
As much as I love to write, my family is my treasured calling. I'm married to one of my greatest blessings and my biggest fan. I'd tell you more about him, but he's not too keen about blogs or sharing personal tidbits over the Internet. Thankfully, he has given me first rights to the story of our life. To be written by me of course. His one request? After his death.
We have four beautiful children. It's a tie score in our home: two girls and two boys. There are ten years in between our oldest and youngest. Which means throughout our parenting years we always have at least one little one in our home who believes we still hang the moon.
For those of you stopping by who are writers yourselves, I've a small bit of wisdom to impart: live your lives and the writing will come. As much as you feel called to write, don't overlook your greatest calling as a spouse and parent. Don't get caught up in being published or recognized by others to legitimize your work. Surrender your gift of writing into His hands.
Then watch and see what He does with it.
When I first met Joanne Kraft, I was instantly drawn to her. She has an amazing way of sharing straight from the heart even in casual conversation. Her message comes through loud and clear, in laughter and yes, sometimes in tears. Her wit and wisdom makes a point that is usually just the ticket to bring our weary hearts up a few notches in search of what she has. Her secret? It's Him. Her heavenly Father. She will tell you all about His ways and what YOU can expect if you choose His path! I wholeheartedly recommend Joanne Kraft to you for your next event!
Angie Knight,
Devotional Writer & Retreat Organizer, Florida
Joanne's quick wit and her passion for Jesus are the perfect combination to keep an audience hanging on every word she speaks. The Lord has given her an incredible gift in communication and He is using it for His glory. Joanne is real, relevant, and the model of a true servant!
Barbara Keene
Christian Speaker and Ministry Leader, Arizona
Nothing brings me greater joy than encouraging women. I bring a wealth of experience of personal failures and mountaintop victories of a life lived in Christ. I pray for the opportunity to share them with you.
If you are looking for a speaker for your next women's event, you can reach Joanne Kraft at Joanne-Kraft@comcast.net

Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished! Luke 1:45
These are great words of wisdom: "live your lives and the writing will come." Nice to "meet" you.
Denise Hughes
So Kim (scattered stones) and I were at a book club last night and your name came up and I didn't know who she was talking about at first because she called you "Joan" and I always read your name as "Jo Anne". So now I am curious. How do you pronounce your name?
Confused in Michigan (lol)
My name came up at a book club? Which book are you reading? I want to come too!
You're correct Jennifer. My name is JOANNE, two syllables.
Now go and rub it in with Kim!
I could not agree with you more about your "small bit of wisdom." If we love our families wholeheartedly and serve them as we believe God is leading, the writing will fit in around the edges. Our God is amazing that way :)
Dear Joanne, you stopped by my blog today, and I know it was of the Lord...I wanted to visit your blog, and I'm so glad I did. Your words of advice (or W.O.W.--"word of wisdom") was just what I needed to hear. (or should that be "read"??) :) Anyway, your W.o.W.~"Surrender your gift of writing into His hands," is so true. It could be writing, playing an instrument, singing. To me, surrendering is really just "letting go of my grasp" since after all, everything belongs to our Heavenly Father.. even these gifts He so freely gives for us to share---they are His. Just letting go, getting out of the way, and letting Him take the gifts and use them for His glory really is the key isn't it? Thanks so much! And God bless you in your ministry.
This is a good post and I have appreciated reading it.
I was touched by what you wrote at the end: "Surrender your gift of writing into His hands."
That's wisdom.
As a wife and mother of two young children, I've been trying to find some sort of a balance between writing and my family - yet it's so much harder than I ever imagined. I'm so thankful for your advice to writers!
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