There's an interesting thing that happens when you begin blogging. People begin reading what you write. Since this blog began as a way to practice my writing skills, I was shocked when people began reading. Over the years, there has been one gal who has been faithful from the very first grammatical-error-filled-post. Her name is Mari and she's my Blessed Guest today.
Mari from My Little Corner of the World has been my faithful encourager. Her blog is wonderful. It's a joy to watch the Michigan seasons unfold through the lens of her camera, and I can't tell you how many amazing recipes I've received from her. She has a great sense of humor and a beautiful family. Her son Andy is serving in the military. This explains the occasional counter on her sidebar, letting her readers know when he is coming home again. I always love reading those posts and seeing those happy pictures. Mari is someone I pray I get the chance to hug in person one day.
So, would you please give a big round of applause (and comments) for my next special Blessed Guest Mari!
Mari, I'm so grateful you are here. I know you work full-time and are probably dealing with snow over at your place right now. Thank you for stopping and sharing a bit of your life with us.
How did My Little Corner of the World begin?
I have two sisters who both had a blog. They kept telling me to start and blog and my response was "I don't have that much to say". I guess I have more to say than I thought because nearly 3 years later I'm still blogging!
What do you/ don't you love about it?
I love the people I've gotten to know from all over. I love the way so many blogs minister to me, giving me a message I know God sent in my direction. I love the funny things, unusual things and the great ideas that have been passed on to me through a blog. The down side is the time factor. It takes time to write blog posts and even more time to check in and comment on blogs, and it can be hard to cut back.
What has surprised you the most about blogging?
I've been surprised by how well I've gotten to know some bloggers, although I may never have met them face to face.
Bloggers are usually writers. Do you write anywhere else or for anyone else?
Not me! I love to read, but writing has never been my strong point.
Do you use your blog for your ministry?
I try to. My faith is part of my life, and although I blog about many other things, I do posts regarding my faith also. I would hope that my faith and the joy God has given me shows through in my blog.
Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?
If you saw how many blogs were in my Google Reader you wouldn't ask this question! I'm going to try to list a few that post regularly, that I always enjoy. There is:
Cheryl@Cherdecor http://cherdecor2.blogspot.com/
Sarah @Short Stop http://grshortstop.blogspot.com/
Kayren@Everything's Coming up Daisies http://pinkdaisygirl.blogspot.com/
Sandra@Diary of a SAHM http://familycorner.blogspot.com/
Susan@Penless Writer http://penlesswriter.blogspot.com/
And of course Joanne from Blessed!
There are many others that I enjoy and check out whenever they post, but as I said, the list is too long!
Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?
When our family traveled to South Carolina for Andy's graduation from Basic Training, we were able to meet Dena from Growing Up Girlie. http://annabellelouisebailey.blogspot.com/ She gave us some great tips on place to visit and eat, and even helped us out via phone when we were lost in Charleston.
Who has made the biggest impact on your life?
This is a tough question. Of course, my parents made a huge impact, because of the way they raised me. I was blessed to be born into a loving Christian home. My husband has been impacting me for the nearly 29 years we've been married and even while we were dating. And anyone who is a parent can tell you how much your kids change your life, not only in the way you live, but also in the way you think. Being a parent makes you put someone else first, makes you think in the long term, adds joy and a bit of stress to your life!
How about some tried and true blog randomness:
Do you have a favorite scripture?
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you." What a great reminder that God is in charge and has plans for my life and for my loved ones.
I also like Romans 8:38-39 "for I am persuaded that neither death nor life, not angels or principalities, or powers, not things present or things to come. Not height, not depth or any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
What would surprise us about you?
I don't have as much to say in real life!
What's your favorite flavored potato chip?
Plain old chips are my favorite
Favorite thing to do with your family?
Since my kids are grown and one is currently in Colorado it's pretty hard to get us together. However when Andy is home we are often just home - together. We like to play Wii games and laugh with each other. When the kids were younger we loved going camping together.
What book is on your nightstand right now?
Take the Risk, written by Ben Carson. He is a famous Christian neurosurgeon, who was raised by a single Mom in Detroit. He talks about the risks he went through as a child and the risky surgeries he undertakes now.
Last food you ate?
Pasta E Fagioli soup for supper
When was the last time you played the air guitar?
You know, I don't think I've ever played air guitar. Does air piano count? I play piano and find my fingers playing along occasionally!
Mari, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and visit us today. Your blog has blessed me so many times. I'm grateful you are still finding things to say.

What a beautiful post, I am going to check out her blog now!
Joanne - I'm honored that you asked to interview me. I noticed that I missed a whole question - I told you my brain wasn't functioning well!
And - of course I keep reading your blog. You know I love you!
I'm one of Mari's followers so I had to come by and read the 'interview'.
Excellent questions and Mari did a beautiful job.
Hi Joanne,
When I heard Mari was your guest blogger I came over for a visit. Blog world is a big place and Mari is one of my tried and true favorites. She has a gentle steadiness that comes through her writing, which is always uplifting and encouraging. Mari is the type of nurse I would like to have if I or any of my loved one’s ever needed one. You picked a wonderful guest blogger to showcase.
I had to stop by to read Mari's interview. I'm a faithful follower of this precious lady. You found a great subject to interview when you picked Mari!
What a wonderful blessed guest! Thanks for introducing her to all of us. I will have to stop by her place and say hello some time. :)
what a fun interview...I am a reader of Mari's and have enjoyed her blog for a couple years, but I loved learned more about her on this interview. I also love your blog, Joanne, very refreshing and sweet to see a blogger shining the spot light on those who inspire her.
It really is amazing how blogging can bring people together.
Thanks for putting this up. It's good to hear about the blogging experiences of others out there. :)
Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit more, Mari! And thank your son for me as well. We live in a military community; I feel so privileged to know so many who are serving our country with their lives.
God's peace and blessing to you all.
Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world here on Blessed. I enjoyed learning more about you. Hope to stop and say hello at your place too. I live in Colorado like one of your kids. :)
Yeah! Thanks for sharing Mari! I loved this little visit!
Hi Joanne,
So nice to meet and read about Mari. I don't know her in blogging but will have to visit her blog. I enjoyed my visit here as I always do.
Love you.
My day would never go right if I hadn't first checked Mari's blog. She and her sisters are just the greatest people I have ever met in blogland. I have never met them personally, but one of these days I may have to take a trip to Michigan.
Thank you for interviewing Mari. She is a wonderful person. She is an encourager and her good heart always comes through her blog.
aww, love that mari! she spreads such joy and sunshine on my blog too! nice to get to know her a bit better in this post!
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the "warning." ;) I just had to put that up after so many of my writer friends shamefully admited to not paying attention once they started writing...me included.
I hope your writing group enjoyes it. Thanks so much for sharing!
I enjoyed Mari's interview Joanne. :o) Thanks for doing these!
I enjoyed the interview, I know Mari well. We have worked together for many years. She encourged me to start blogging, I'm not near the blogger she is but do find meeting and reading other blogs a huge blessing to me. Thanks
Loved loved loved Mari's interview!! I think I remember her posting a Pasta E Fagioli recipe a LONG time ago...sounds fantastic...craving it now. ha!
I think Mari is AWESOME!! You are right about her encouragment, her love of her family, and her recipes ROCK!!!! We are blessed to 'know' her!
Mari certyinaly is a blessed guest. I too am blessed to count her as a guest of my blog Tales from Bloggeritaville. I can say, she is faithful. I can always count on a sweet comment from Mari. She brings such cunshine to my day. She's a friend, though we've never met. I find myself praying over her family, her son in particular as I lay me down to sleep at night. She's a photog friend as we share that hobby. Shes encouraging. She's dear. She has great recipes, and great suggestions.
I am blessed to know Mari. Thankyou for being such a friend to me. Though we've never met....I count on your sweet comments to brighten my day.
Big hugs, Mari!
Mari is exactly who she is in her blog posts! WONDERFUL!!! She is the geniune real deal!!! Love her to pieces!!!!
I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Mari through her blog.
And her blog is a blessing and I too enjoy seeing Michigan through her camera lens.
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