Have you lost your mind!?
For the past ten minutes, I've witnessed your son yell at you, slap you, and refuse to sit beside you in a time-out. Your only response when he wiggled away was to yell, “You're going straight to bed when we get home.” Your son yelled back even louder, “No I'm not!”
Why didn't you get up and run after him? Why didn't you pick him up and walk out of the play area? Why did you let him continue playing? Are you afraid of him? He can't be older than five.
What's that? You're tired?
Too bad. Parenting isn't an option. Lots of us parents are tired. Poor excuse dad. Do you think parents of well-behaved children aren't tired? You are the adult. He is the child.
You can tread water longer than he can make it rain.
Thanks to parents like you, children are growing up without respect for adults. Your lack of discipline fuels the monster-child you're raising into a monster-adult who feels entitled, disrespects authority, and doesn't understand the word “No.” Is that the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be?
I didn't think so.
Because I care so much, I'm offering my spanking services free of charge today. Make sure your son is busy on the slide. I wouldn't want him to see his father cry.

Don't you hate to see that? The kid will be blamed for being a "brat", but it's really the parents fault for failing to discipline.
You will get your chance to address that man (er, male, anyway) with one of your wellcrafted verbal spankings when he calls the PD for help with his unruly spawn... Thats job security at its finest, sister! Don't take food out of the mouths of the boys in blue and the taser manufacturers! What you mistook for poor parenting was nothing more that economic stimulus in action. We need solid evidence more prison construction is indeed justified... Go ahead and supersize - er, Super Max - that prison, we're gonna need it for the XL batch of McCriminals in the fryer...
Maybe that poor excuse for a father had a diabolical plan to punish his little darling from the inside out by feeding him from the McD's slop bucket...Isn't childhood onset type 2 diabetes more of spanking than couple whacks to the backside, afterall?
People are afraid to discipline their children now a days. And it's sad because they NEED it.
Oh I could write a long comment on this but I'll stop because I'm pretty tall already, I don't need to get on my soap box! LOL!
I agree with you 100% my friend.
oh THANK YOU!!! I could have written this same thing a thousand times over!!! and we wonder why young people have little respect for anyone but themselves...
I agree with Lauren. I could have written this so many times as well. Kids do not respect adults unless we teach them to. People only do their kids a disservice by not making them mind. I love how you put it we can tread water for longer than a kid can make it rain, we just have to know that!!
Oh gracious! I LOVE this post! So very well put...and until Daddy gets his act together, HE is the one who needs the whoopin'...you hit that nail on the head!
haha...AMEN! You can spank the mamas like him, too, while you are at it!! Parents like this are doing their children a true injustice! Preach in, girl!
Wow, did you say it Sweetie,thanks for NOT being afraid to Joanne. More people should read this for sure!!!
Iowa Hugs~~~Dena
PS:: We do have 3 teen boys that would probably disagree though ;0)
We do see alot of that these days don't we. I wonder sometime what kind of a bringing up the Dad had. We are so blessed if we had parents who were fair but just in bringing us up. A home filled with love is also a home where you will find good discipline.
You got it going on girl...I have a couple of extra belts if you need them...and we have a lot of
"switches" in Florida. Some people may have forgotten how to use them...but my mom is still here and she could teach them quickly. She had lots of practice...Loved this post!
Great post and right on target! That is exactly what is wrong or what happened to the youth now a days. We would have never spoke like that to our parents, or any adult for that matter, when we were growing up. We learned respect and I am so greatful that my boys understood what I tried to teach them. I didn't tolerate a lot of things that I saw other parents do. Again Great Post! :-)
I totally agree with you.
Oh my....you go girl. you are tooooo much. Cracking up at the sight of you watching this. I posted a video today. Normally I do not ask people to read or listen but you keep coming to my mind. I think the Lord wants you to hear this word. Hope it blesses you. b
:)You go, girl! Shout it out...
Ack, my first post errored and deleted. Hmmf. I hope you got it.
I commend you for your post, I am so tired of seeing these kinds of parents sit on their rump and make excuses for every little thing, Little madam or sir has done.
If its not, "I am tired" its "I will do it later" after the kids has no idea what they did wrong.
Atta girl all I can say, You give it to em!
This is TOO awesome, girlfriend! I'm going to link it on FB. If you don't like it, spank me ; )
I was referred over here to your blog by Our Homeschool Journey. Great post! There are a lot of parents out there who need to read this! Thank you for taking the time to write out what most of us see and feel!
I look forward to following!
Amen! Makes ya wanna go and grab ol dad and shake him! Very soon his "little" boy will be too strong for him to physically control, and one day he'll look him in the eye with *contempt* and spit, push him down into the chair, and race out of the driveway with dad's keys, squealing tires, to drink himself into a stupor, vandalize or party, later to end up in jail or prison. This child is begging his father to tell him NO and prove that he loves him! And this child will be so angry that he was not loved, and that his father let him get away with it all, that he will take it out on society and himself, until he dies or kills someone else, at an early age.
Wendy @ Faith's Firm Foundation
I'm your newest follower!
So true. Well said. xox
Wow Joanne,you left a note at my blog(I was thrilled by the way) . THANKS SO MUCH for visiting and leaving one,it meant so much. As I said, I do not get many comments since I have begun going on and on about GOD, but I just can't help myself, its the Spirit. Anyway I sooooo am thanksful for wonderful ladies like you, and I do hope to get to know you better, your view on raisng children is GREAT!!!!!!
I was too nice to my oldest and now I believe its why he cant hold a job and iit took him too long to go out on his own..I think its called mollycoddling??? Yep, I am guilty .. Anyhoos with the 3 we are still raising its a whole different story, plus they have a wonderful man to call Dad now and they sure need him after the death of my 1st hubby yrs ago. Hahaha, I thought I could do it on my own for 10 yrs and with out following Christ very well, That was a joke. So we praise God now,,and HIS timing..Do pop over again to my blog when you get the chance..
(I decide today to just be me and let the Spirit of God show on my new post, you know to not be affraid of what others may think.
Big Iowa Hugs Dena
Excellent. Linked here from FB where Tiffany plugged your article.
It is a shame that so many parents are afraid of their kids. I hope this dad some how gets to read your article! WB
Excellent post!! I think you'd have more than a full-time job with your spanking services! :)
It is so sad to see - I can hardly stand to watch this sort of thing. We have a duty and responsibility to discipline our children - it's hard, but we must if we love God and love our children.
Thanks for sharing this!
I thought I had commented on this post, but guess I was laughing so hard I forgot...loved this!
Beyond hysterical! How many times, sister, have I said this exact thing?! What in the wide world of sports is up with parents these days? My techniques would probably land me in the state prison.
Have mercy.
*applauds enthusiastically and whistles loudly*
Bravo! Bravo!
Yeah, what you said!!
Take a bow, friend. You've managed to rile up an entire gaggle of parents praying for a disciplined generation to grow out of the muck. God bless, lady. Can't wait to read that book of yours.
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