Friday, April 16, 2010

Time for a Giveaway!

Have you heard of Rob Biagi? Sounds like a genie in a lamp, doesn't it? It's not. Rob is a gifted and talented children's worship leader. His music has been played in our home for years.

While growing up, our children couldn't wait to head into worship each Sunday. The children's ministry played his music and the kids had a blast. There are hand movements they learned so everyone can get in on the fun.

We purchased his CD's and it wasn't long before our little ones were having "shows" at home. (Grandparents make the best audience members, by the way.)

Rob's wife has been so kind. She sent me a CD to share with my Blessed... readers.

To win, all you have to do is leave a comment below, or "Follow" along. It's that easy.

I'll be announcing the winner on Monday.

If you have a few minutes, I've included one of my favorite Rob Biagi songs, "You Say Imagine", below.

When you hear the voices of children singing the words to this song...I double-dog-dare-you not to cry.


Denise said...

Sounds awesome.

Sheri said...

Brooke and I want it!

Mike and Debbie said...

That was a beautiful song!!! Please count me in for the contest.

By the way, I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks and really enjoy it.

Karen said...

Beautiful! I have never heard that before....

mariel said...

Oh, I have not heard of him, but would love the CD for my boys!! :)

Aunt Angie said...

WOW!!!!!! Very awesome! Where do I sign up!!!???!!!

prashant said...

Sounds awesome.
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