Angie and I first met in 2008, at the P31 She Speaks conference. We both were writers for the Laced with Grace devotion site and found each other in the meeting room at the hotel where the "Bloggers" were gathering.
As soon as I heard her voice I fell in love with her. She has a soft southern drawl that is a delight to listen to. I tried to keep her talking by asking her question after question. She was standing right beside her darling sister Amy, another soft-spoken southern charmer. They both had the most beautiful complexions. I think I even asked them what makeup they used.
Remember, I'm a not so soft spoken California girl. We ask these types of questions when we first meet someone.
Angie's love for the the Lord is contagious. Anyone who knows her is drawn to her because of it. Just over a year later, I was on a plane again going back to spend more time with this beautiful new friend from Florida.
I know you're going to love her as much as I do. Would you please give a big round of comments to today's Blessed Guest - Angie Knight.
Let's begin in the beginning. Tell us about the birth of your blog.
I generally share this when I speak because it's probably different than most, I was actually reading Beth Moore's blog and wanted to make a comment. Well, I didn't know I could do so anonymously, so I created a blog--without knowing exactly what God had in store. Two days later, in an attack from the devil and I was in a storm of tears, my sister, Wanda called me at work with a "word". That "word" was the very first thing I blogged about. The rest, as they say is history! I've learned much along the way and had the best time in the LORD--and more time in the Word than ever before! I really have to know that I know that I know before I put something in print. It's there sista! Until they yank it off line or Jesus comes!
What do you and don't you love about it?
I love writing devotions and sharing the hope I've found in Jesus Christ. What I don't love? I don't love ridicule that I have seen or heard on other blogger sites. In my humble opinion, negativity should be kept to yourself.
As "Thumper", on the movie Bambi is famous for saying, "if you can't say somethin' nice, then don't say nothin' at all".
That's my motto.
What has surprised you the most about blogging?
The number of bloggers! But then you mention, "blogging" to someone at church or work and they look at you as if you've just spoken a foreign language! But you get online--and they are everywhere!
Bloggers are usually writers. Do you write anywhere else or for anyone else?
I write for the Internet Cafe` as well as Laced with Grace and LOVE both of them! I also write on “Sisters of Faith (dot) net” which is a story of sisters---and the faith that has brought us to where we are today! I am listening to the heart of the Lord—and releasing my words carefully—as He leads and allows my heart to overflow with them.
Do you use your blog for your ministry?
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I believe the ministry that God has called me into, was born out of my blogging ministry. I tried another blog for a while. An information station if you will about "hormone issues". It was supposed to be informative and light at the same time. It's called The Hormonal Years. It has been fun---like I said, light and with my take on hormones. It's still there, but since the hormones are steady these days, I've been functioning without venting ;) (too much anyway)
Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?
Yours of course! I come over here when I need a smile or laugh, and I know I can find one on the page. BUT Really, you ask a hard question, there are too many to name. My time of late has been so occupied, I have only been able to grab a read here and there! Sad! But true. I haven’t found one that I don’t find something good to read! (I’m careful in my searching…J)
Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?
Oh my goodness! YES! And LOVED IT!
I have met your sweet self! Lynn Donovan, Kathy Schwanke, Elaine Olsen, Lori MacMath, Delaney MacMath, Maddie MacMath, Julie Todd, Marsha Harwood, Lisa Shaw, Tiffany Stuart, Susan Baldwin (I already knew), Mary Snyder, Sabrina Sentille, Rachel Temple, Sue Combs, Barbara Keene, Barbara Sapp, Wendy Cox, Lisa Whittle, Teresa Rainey (I knew her before blogging:), Donetta Jonas, I may have missed someone. If you are reading this, and we have met...please please please forgive this tired brain!
Who has made the biggest impact on your life?
(Of course Jesus would be number one) My family as a whole, but my sister, Wanda had incredible faith that carried her past any doctors expectations. When diagnosed with congestive heart failure at 20, she lived almost 24 more years. I think the longest living recording of that was 8 years after diagnosis. God had full control. She wasn't leaving until her work had been complete and she knew it.
Do you have a favorite scripture?
WAY too many to get started here! But I will add the one that I have currently on my outgoing messages from my e-mails--"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV
What would surprise us about you?
Ha! It would be where Jeff and I got married. That would be the biggest surprise. I'd have to actually SEE your face to tell you that one! (Ask me again in October!) Actually, I don't know what would surprise you about me. I like most of the normal stuff everyone else does. Except---I do NOT like scary movies. I love Mexican food! Wish I could speak the language! I love to cook. And eat. I LOVE sweets. Pies, cookies and chocolate are my favs.
What's your favorite flavored potato chip?
BBQ Really spicy
Favorite thing to do with your family?
I love to feed them. I love to cook for them and watch them enjoy their food! I love time of talking--and listening to them. Games---sometimes. I'm not a huge game person. I can play--but in small doses.
What book is on your nightstand right now?
Two Bibles (KJV and CEV) The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson, Fasting by Jentezen Franklin, and Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and “FRESH ENCOUNTER” by Henry & Richard Blackaby and Claude King. I'm in a very serious mode.
Last food you ate?
A bowl of Multi Grain Cheerios cereal & cup of coffee. Not very adventurous. I told you. Serious mode.
When was the last time you played the air guitar?
Gosh--I wish I could remember. Maybe I'll play it tonight! You should have asked me when was the last time I played the air piano--I do that MUCH more often!
You are so funny! Thanks so much for taking the time to be my Blessed Guest today. I know everyone will love you just as much as I do.

I can only imagine Angie's sweet southern voice. I heard that she's a hugger too. I love those kind of people and I know I would love to meet Angie in person.
Angie, I loved getting to know more about you. Since you're a friend of Lisa Shaw's ...you're a friend of mine.
I love dear Angie so very much. She is a sweet blessing to my heart, really enjoyed this interview.
I'm reading this and missing you so much. Joanne, you too my friend. I love you both and you both inspire me to new heights in the service of our King. Hugging you both.
Girls...YOU all are precious to me! This was so much fun to do for my dear-darlin' Joanne---GOD has been incredibly AWESOME to me to align my path and heart with yours!
Thank YOU JESUS for the coming days of service and for the hearts that JOIN in the path of leading others to Christ! May we be found BUSY for Christ when HE looks for US!
I enjoyed this interview...and even though we have never met in person...yet...I love Angie Knight...her blog was one of the first ones I started following...and her writings have blessed me beyond measure...I get to finally hug her neck in October...I am SO excited!
what a sweet spirit! I lvoed this interview, Joanne! I hope to meet women like you and Angie when I go to She Speaks this summer!!
What a blessing to read a little more on Angie -- A sister in Christ who has a heart for GOD just as you do Joanne!
Love you both. Blessings!
I loveded this interview,
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