It felt almost sacreligious to place any other book before the Bible as my favorite today. Especially on my very first 'Blessed' Books -Tuesday . So let me give you a little history on my most beloved book of all time.
It has been said, a Bible that is falling apart, is a sure sign of someone's life that isn't. I would have to agree with that statement. Though I am far from perfect, because of this book I know the only one who is, Jesus Christ.

I received this book as a Christmas gift from my husband Paul very soon after I was saved. As you can tell by the front it is black, a New King James Version, a purse type which closes with an overlapping flap that snaps into place. It came with a black strap I could attach and wear over my shoulder, and a gold colored metal rose on the front. When I first received this gift I was not overjoyed. Oh, I was excited about getting a Bible from Paul, just not thrilled with his design choice. The years have passed and it is now barely held together by clear packaging tape. With the rose and strap both missing, I have come to love this book like a child loves their favorite blanky.
It is upon these pages that God's words have spoken to my heart more times than I can count. Since I am one of those Christians who writes in her Bible(my husband is not), and because I have a love for quotes and sayings, there are favorite words I have written peppered in ink throughout. On my title page you can find these words below.
"The Bible is alive, it speaks to me, it has feet, it runs after me, it has hands, it lays hold of me." Martin Luther
"Anything that keeps me away from my Bible is my enemy"
A.W. Tozer
When I think on the bestseller of all time, the Bible, the gift of God's word, I can get lost in thought pretty fast. I am so grateful that the greatest story ever told, spoken through the God of all creation, are words I have the privilege to read, without fear, without worry of persecution, but with a grateful heart in knowing that the one true and living God wants to know me too.
How 'Blessed' are we?
I love the smell of old books. I have some books that belonged to my grandparents. They are in various locations around the house as more of a decoration, but I love to open them and smell the old musty pages.
My first bible was given to me by my dad. Every now and then I flip through it and read some of the things I scribbled on the pages. Some of my thoughts make me laugh, others remind me of good lessons I have learned
Do you know what a treasure that Bible will be for your children someday? A few years ago, when one of my patients died, I was able to help her daugher pack her things. Her Bible was worn and had lots of underlining and writing. Her daughter said she would never be able to part with it - it meant more than any "things". My Bible is about 10 years old - I write in mine too, but sometimes I'm not sure why I wrote certain things. It is fun to look back at.
WOW! That was just so precious to me. My Bible is life to me. When we moved and I couldn't "find it" for 24 hrs it was painful. It hurt my heart. I didn't realize how much I loved this book. It is a privilege to read it. I am so grateful for what it is and its effect on my life.
Love you!
How exciting!! To learn of all the books you've come to treasure! I'll have to add to my list of 'things I must read!' :) By looking at your Bible, I'd say you haven't skipped many days of reading it. Impressive. And does speak to your character. I never would've dreamed of writing in my Bible 'till several years ago, and now I love how it serves as little reminders along the way.
I, too love old books. Whenever I've been to antique markets, I'm always drawn to the furniture and books. I've got an old dictionary that is about 4 inches thick that I just LOVE. It's quite out-dated by now, but it's got a medical section, quotation section, tri-lingual section, definition of names section, American slang section (which shows how out-dated it really is!)... and even all the proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, correspondence... you name it! It's in there! And has that awesome old-book smell! I love it!
Looking forward to Tuesdays!!
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