Our youngest son came home in tears today. His dad and I were both in the office, we could hear him crying as he walked down the hall to give us his bad news. He had pulled a ‘blue’ card today. For those of you who may be out of the loop when it comes to 1st grade discipline in school, a card is something that the teacher pulls to make a point that the child has misbehaved. Pulling a card usually comes in the form of progression in the way of a primary color scheme. Yellow is a warning, blue is a mandatory 5 minutes in from recess and red is a call home. Our son is an overachiever, he went from 0-100 in about 10 seconds flat. Samuel never got a yellow card, he went right to blue, not even a warning. His crime?
He wouldn’t finish his coloring project.
With that said, our oldest son David, we almost expected these types of schoolwork misdemeanors from. David made it clear that school was not his cup of tea and every teacher in every conference we ever had, confirmed the same. He was more than smart enough to do the work, but just didn’t ever get around to fitting it into his schedule.
Just when I start to think that I have bragging rights as a mom, just when I think I have some wisdom to share with the free world, in walks our youngest. The sweet and quiet one that is a clone of my overly-intelligent husband, the one who should be gleaning from our parenting expertise, walks in to share that he is being incarcerated in class tomorrow for the first five minutes of recess.
It is never the one that you think…
These kids never let us rest on our laurels, so they?
I'm glad you're not saying "My kid wouldn't do that"! :)
Oh Joanne...I am laughing. Not a mean laugh...a funny one. My daughter misses many things about the states...but she told us recently that the one thing she doesn't miss is "flipping color cards". And then I read this. I just laughed. I can soooo relate (well, used to be able to).
Gasp! 5 minutes from recess. The world has come to an end.
Im sorry. I know it's not funny to him.
But your story reminds me of Caleb and I can't help but chuckle.
Hope he rebounds from his sentence.
Mine would never care about pulling the card....it was the recess thing that had them completely frustrated.
"Uhhhh....remember WHY there was no recess today?!"
I hope today is a great day at school.
When things like this happen here, I am reminded that we are all just a bunch of STINKIN' SINNERS! ( : Infact, I had a blue card pulled on me just yesterday!!!
Oh, and by the way...you DO still have wisdom to share with the free world!
That is funny and look at that face - how can you be mad at that sweet face
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