If I had a nickel for every time I was encouraged by a godly friend to have devotion time, or quiet time in the Word each day, I would be a millionaire, or maybe even a trillionaire. But the truth is the truth is the truth. There are some things that are just good for us no matter how we try and get around it. In January I admit, I start strong. But in no time at all, I am saying things to myself like, "You don't have time this morning, you can have time in the Word after grocery shopping, after picking up the kids from school, after you help with homework, give baths, make dinner..." Then slowly I take a day off here and there, then I become weak.
For the past few weeks I have been having that quiet time. I am a morning girl, so I have my time preferably before the kids are up. I read the Proverb and Psalm of the day, my daily Bible reading from my chronological Bible, then I read from 'Streams in the Desert' or 'My Utmost for His Highest', while keeping a prayer journal by my side. Like I said, I start the race in a full sprint. My nature is to get winded by the middle of February. My prayer is to be consistent this year. There is a saying from a Jackson Browne song,that comes to my mind often, one that I don't want to emulate, 'Pray for the pretender, who starts out strong, only to surrender.'
This year is 2008. I find it no coincidence that the number eight in the Bible represents new beginnings. I plan on making this year a bunch of new beginnings. If I surrender, I don't plan on staying down. I plan on getting right back up and starting again. I am going to make it to the finish line this year.
So, what is it you are doing this year? Have you decided to do something differently? What is it that makes up your devotion time each day?
I have the same problem. I have good intentions and really enjoy my devotion time, but tend to fall away. Because I usually leave the house around 6:30 every mroning I usually read a devotional with breakfast. That part I am consistant in. However, I like to do something more in depth and have some prayer time after I get home and I far too often let "life" get in the way.
This year, instead of Bible in a Year (after 4 years YIPPEE!!), I and my husband are memorizing a Scripture a week so that (hopefully) by the end of the year we will have 52 memorized Scriptures! C
I am reading the Bible through for the very first time. (I'm embarrased to say that as I've been saved since I was a junior in highschool...) But it is truth none the less.
I have no other "resolutions" for 2008 though I have a lot of hopes. We'll see what I'm able to accomplish with the Lord in this year of "new beginnings".
Thanks for the great post Joanne.
You just typed my life. Last year I started having my prayer time on my drive to work. It seemed to be the only time I had to myself. I had to force myself to turn off the radio and spend that time talking with Jesus.
I still have mornings I would much rather turn on the tunes and vegg out on my 25 minute drive. But I have stayed on course for a year now. That's a record for me
Hope you stay on course too
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