It's my sister Jennifer's 38th birthday today and this is the most recent picture we have together. As you can tell, we just hate to laugh and have fun.
If you'd like to read a bit more about her, click here.
She's a pretty neat gal.
Happy Birthday Jennifer.
I love you,

what a cute blog
How do you get people to come to your site?
I've been trying for awhile and can't seem to get anyone
my site is
You all know how to have fun! Happy Birthday to Jennifer!
Awe! I LOVE that picture of you and Jennifer. I also love the picture of you and Paul in the top corner. Common denominator?? You're just cute my friend.
Oh Rats!!! Clearly I don't understand your new comment thingy! I hit "Google" since I didn't see yahoo and it posted as my Paul. Funny considering my husband wouldn't be NEAR any blog... including mine.
Don't know how to fix that my friend. I need a yahoo option :)
Thank you for your nice comment the other day. I have to tell you your new hair color is beautiful. I love that picture of you and your sister. You are a lucky lady. I truely wish I had a sister I could laugh with...(said with a longing sigh)
You are SO BEAUTIFUL and that is a great picture of you two. I love the expression on your sister's face. Ha. Happy Birthday to her!
Awwwww, what a good sister you are :) Happy birthday Jennifer!!
My Blog
I LOVE having a sister. we are sure blessed on that one. happy bday to your sis. 38? hmm, sounds like a FABULOUS age (not like i know from experience).
It looks like you guys are having a great time. Aren't sisters (and sis-in-laws) the best! Of course, my brothers make me laugh too!
I read your sweet tribute to your sister. She sounds awesome. I have had spinal meningitis (the viral kind) and I have never been so sick in my life. I missed weeks and weeks of work at the time and lost weight.
I had no idea there was a kind that you could get more than once. I hope he is currently doing well and pray that he never gets it again.
I forgot to add that Donny Osmond rocks, lol!
Hello Precious Joanne! You have won an award. Come to my blog and receive it. :o)
Happy Birthday Jennifer
What a joyous blessing to have a sister! You and Jennifer are two pretty cute gals. I am sure your Mom must have adored you two and all of your antics as you were growing up! Reading about Jennifer's openness in sharing the Word with people was inspiring. I hope their situation is better than it was last year when you shared some of the details of their trials.
Be blessed, you two sisters--I have the feeling that you bless many lives in your comings and goings.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Awww, that is so sweet that you have a good relationship with your sister.
Birthdays are great! Happy Birthday to your sis!
Hey, I could almost be your sister... she is only about 1 1/2 years younger than me. I am also curious since there is a Jennifer and a Joanne is there other "j's" in your family? For me, John and Judy had Jodi, Julie, and Jennifer. We also had a dog named Joker. Isn't that just sad. LOL!
Thanks for all the Birthday blessings!!! That was really sweet what everyone posted. 38 is feeling great for the moment. I am soooooooooooooooo truly blessed to have you, (Joanne) in my life.....
Luv ya,
The Birthday girl :) ( Can't wait for Sweetie Pies on Friday sister).....
It does look like you have a great time! The two of you also resemble each other quite a bit! Enjoy yout time together!
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