Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are Those Giants I See?

As a few of you know, I am going to be attending Mt. Hermon's writers conference this Friday. Being the over-thinker that I am, I tried to think through every possible experience I may have there.

Yes, once again, I am trying to figure out God and just what He's up to. I know, I'm not the brightest duck in the pond.

It wasn't the least bit comforting to read their conference workbook and all the different places I will be able to go if I need prayer or a place to dry my tears.

Seriously. I am not kidding. They have a designated area for people who are crying.

See! What does that tell you about this conference?!?

To make matters worse, I did some research on the publisher and agent I sent my book proposal to. Talented and amazing people, Vicki Crumpton with Baker/Revell publishing and agent Steve Laube. They are giants in the Christian writing industry. GIANTS, I TELL YA!

With a sinus infection and cankor sore in the works, all signs for me that I am beginning to stress a bit about this week, I called my friend Beth. I shared with her about an error I'd discovered in my manuscript after I'd already sent it off. Sounding just like an exhausted mother I asked her, "PLEASE, tell me again why I wanted to do this?!? What in the world was I thinking? Who in their right mind would ever, EVER, want to be a writer?!?"

I can see a few giants up ahead - I've never had such respect for Caleb and Joshua in my life.


North Jersey Christian Writers Group said...

My favorite quote when I am facing a giant is what David asked when inquiring about Goliath, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
And what seems like giants to us are merely pebbles in the hand of God.

David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty. … for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."

Unknown said...

I'd feel just like you're feeling, but how exciting to be able to go! I didn't used to think I'd want to go to a Writer's Conference, but I actually think I would love to go to one now. Where is Mt. Herman - California?

Well, I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm excited to hear all about it.

Lynnette :)

George said...

1st Samuel 17:48... As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him."

Hoenstly Joanne, you are going to slay this giant of yours this weekend! Run right at it, the same way David ran at Goliath!

Trevor said...

Size is all relative. I had the privilege of flying over Mt Hermon in the USA one month after it blew up in that big volcano eruption a number of years ago. My memory is of a plume of steam still rising and flattened forest all around. Big mountain, a ‘giant’ of a mountain some might say brought down to size by the awesome power of nature. Of he who created this world and nature, Isaiah 40:12 says: ‘Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, Measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure? Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance’?

When we look into space and consider that God has measured the vastness of the universe in a span, the distance between the tip of his thumb and the tip of his middle finger (usually about 9 inches). Our God is able to measure the heavens in his hand. What a wonderful illustration of God’s size and his illimitable nature! When we look to the ‘size’ of our God when compared to the giants we face in life, it is no wonder that the Lord commanded us not to worry but to trust in him.

May the Lord bless everything you are doing for his kingdom, and help us all remove the ‘giants’ from our lives!

momstheword said...

Well, even the giants have giants in their lives! Wow, they even have a crying room? You sure it's not for those with babies in arms who are crying?

Regardless, I know you'll have a wonderful time and you'll be glad you went! Hey, I always thought it would be fun to write, so have fun!

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

Joanne, yes they ARE giants in the publishing industry, but they are gentle giants and they are actually on our side!

So, come on Caleb, we've got some exploring to do!

Tea with Tiffany said...

I know the feeling. And I believe you will be just fine. God will reveal His purpose for you there. In His time. For me one of the greatest lessons I am learning is to stop trying to figure God out. What peace it brings when I can just rest...

Be blessed,



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