Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blessed Guest - Heather from The Extraordinary Ordinary

I'm a Blessed Guest!

Back in another life, I had much more time to peruse the blog-world. In that perfect world I had time to read blogs like my Blessed Guest's today. I stumbled across her place and laughed out loud. Here was a woman who was transparent and real. Not that other blogs aren't real but hers was painfully real, ya know?

Her sarcastic wit captured me. And, anyone who really knows me, knows you have my heart when you make me laugh. There are many kinds of bloggers out there. Some use their voice to spread the gospel, some share recipes, and some like Heather's can make my LOL become a real laugh-out-loud moment.

Would you please give a big round of comments for my special Blessed Guest today, Heather from The Extraordinary Ordinary.

Heather, tell us how The Extraordinary Ordinary came into being.

The birth of my blog, huh? Well, I was pregnant with creativity and...

just kidding...

I started blogging after a couple of friends of mine introduced me to their own blogs and inspired me to create my one. That was about 2 and a half years ago. At that time, I honestly didn't even know what blogging really was, but I immediately loved it and started using it as my creative outlet daily. Now it continues to grow and change just like my children do, and I absolutely LOVE it. (Not as much as my children, but a lot.)

What do you/ don't you love about it?

I love the relationships that develop out of blogging. I think of my blog friends as the pen pals of the "old days." I've met THE most amazing people here. I know that I would have never met many of them any other way, so...yeah, I get all weepy thinking about that. Must be my favorite part. Non-bloggers don't understand it, but being introduced to someone first through their words is a powerful way to get to know someone. I love it. Can you tell?

What has surprised you the most about blogging?

When I started, I thought I would just be keeping an online journal, since that was the original purpose of blogs. I had no idea I could and would make it whatever I wanted to make it and then gain a readership. I love that it happened though, and I'm completely flattered (all rosy-cheek blushing flattered) to have people spending their time visiting me when they can.

Bloggers are usually writers. Do you write anywhere else or for anyone else?

I didn't think of myself as a writer until a long time after I started blogging. It wasn't until other bloggers who are authors/writers started telling me I had a gift that I really started to believe I might, and I still struggle with that title, with really believing it suits little ol' me. (See? That was the longest run-on ever. I write how I talk, which is too much, so there you have it.)
I haven't written anything that's been published off-line, but my posts have been featured on Blog Nosh magazine, Five Star Friday, Mama Manifesto, and Associated Content.

Do you use your blog for your ministry?

Not exactly, no. If something I say helps someone it absolutely blows my mind. But I think that comes with telling the whole truth about your life, your heart and struggles. People start to feel less alone in their hard things and that just helps. But I don't set out to convince anyone of anything, I guess. I'm very careful to respect people of all beliefs and try not to make them feel isolated or excluded, just as I would do in my home and all areas of my life.

Now, while I share my addiction/sobriety/recovery story, I always hope that someone out there sees themselves in my words and starts to believe that they can quit, that the shame they feel is poison, that they're "normal" just like me. When that happens, when I get the emails that tell me my story made a difference, I'm beyond amazed and humbled by the power of the hope that comes with truth-telling. I'm honored to have played a small part in any one's journey because so many beautiful people played a part in mine by telling their truth. Because they did, my heart was nudged little by little to admit I was powerless over alcohol, too. I'm forever grateful for those people.

Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?

This is honestly SO hard, I love so many blogs!
Mylestones, Okay.Fine.Dammit, Navel Gazing, Adventures in Babywearing, I Should Be Folding Laundry, Her Bad Mother, Doobleh-vay, What I Learned Today, Ann's Rants, Write Stuff, Nie Nie, Matt-Liz-Madeline, Momalom, Go Blog Yourself, Ivy League Insecurities, Suburb Sanity, OMyFamily, Baby on Bored, One Crafty Mother...

SEE? Oh how I love blogs...Friends, forgive me if you're not on the list, you know I love you.

Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?
I'm totally going to forget someone if I do this. So I'll just say that I went to BlogHer so the list is LOOOONG. Then I actually started a blog event called Cupcake with Steph from Adventures in Babywearing and Allison of O My Family. So I met more bloggers there. I've also had a number of meet-for-dinner experiences and met bloggers that way. So yeah, the list is too long. But I will mention Kim of Prairie Mama here because she and her sweet Libby were my BlogHer roommates and they're THE BEST.

How about some tried and true blog randomness:

Do you have a favorite scripture?

As of late, I love
Isaiah 30:18 "He longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion."
Isaiah 43:18-19 "Forget the former things;do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

What would surprise us about you?

I only grow hair in one arm pit. Seriously. Yes, I said it. N'er a hair in the leftie. Go figure.

What's your favorite flavored potato chip?

Are Cheetos a chip?

Favorite thing to do with your family?

Movie night. Snuggled on the couch with popcorn every Friday night.

What book is on your nightstand right now?

There is ALWAYS more than one book on my nightstand. And you should see my DESK. OY.
Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp
Grace (Eventually) Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott
The Sweet In-Between by Sheri Reynolds
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows (excellent book with strange title)
Mommy Doesn't Drink Here Anymore by Rachel Brownell

Last food you ate?

2 Dove Chocolates

When was the last time you played the air guitar?

Yesterday. With Asher, my 2.5 year old. He's much better at it than I am!

Thanks so much for hanging out with us today Heather. I'm happy I could introduce you to friends in my blog-neighborhood!


Ann Imig said...

Thanks for the shout out, Heather!

Now I have to add hairless armpit to my loong list of Heather-envy.

Love this girl!

Thanks for the interview, Joanne.


Lauren said...

oh my goodness - she's such fun!!! I love it that her favorite was movie night too!! : )And the armpit hair thing ... HILARIOUS!!! hahaha

Mari said...

She is funny even in an interview! Love the armpit comment!

Heather said...

great interview, so glad to get to know you better Heather!

Unknown said...

Heather's one of the best! Great interview even though I'm taken aback and somewhat envious that she doesn't need to shave her left armpit.

I enjoyed her scripture selections very much.

BARBIE said...

Sounds like someone who would bring some sunshine into my day! Off to visit.

amy turn sharp said...

awesome interview. am so honored to be one of yr faves girl! xoxoxo

Anti-Supermom said...

Yay, Heather~ What a great interview!

christy rose said...

Heather sounds like a blast. I will head over and check out the rest of her life now. :)

Amanda said...

Great interview!!

Denise said...

Great interview.


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