How does a free Custom Header, Custom Signature, and free Installation from Trista at Pumpkin Patch Creations sound?
Well then, I do believe it's time for me to share some bloggy-love.
I admit it, I'm not the best when it comes to giveaways, but I've overcome this weakness for the sake of you precious gals out there in my blog-world who have touched my heart this past year.
You have encouraged me with your stories, made me weep with your prayers and struggles and hearts for Jesus...and let us not forget that you've also made me snort with laughter!
Yes, I have been known to snort from time to time. I am a delicate flower like that.
So, here's how it works:
Post a comment below to throw your hat in the ring. Then take my Blessed... button below and post it to your sidebar.

Copy this code for
the graphic and link...
That's all there is to it.
I will be picking a winner on Saturday, February 14th, yep, you guessed it, Valentines Day.
What better day to share the love of my heart with you?
Already have your button, and I'd love to have a new header! Wonderfful Give away!
I already have your button and would so love a new look! Thanks for doing this.
Oh I do need it so badly too!
Thanks for doing a wonderful give away!
I have had your button on my sidebar since I found you. You are Blessed....and so am I. I love your blog, and your new 'look'!
Cool!! I've never had a bloggy makeover & I'd looooove one. And I already have your button on my blog so I'm set :)
Oh it's so cute! I have only been blogging for 7 months and thought I was doing fine with my "blog look" but sister, my hats off and I'm tossing it in the ring for a chance at a "New Look!"
Joanne, would you pray for my dear brother please? He is the one with cancer and he's very ill and in the hospital with pneumonia. He has virtually no immune system anymore and needs prayer. Thank you my friend!
Hi Joanne - so nice to meet you! Hope to see you again soon. Have a good weekend - Kellan
I love Trista's designs! She recently did mine, so you don't have to add me, but I will go ahead and say that whoever wins will NOT be disappointed!
By the way, your date is coming up as 2010, did you know that? I know time flies and all, but... :D
Great giveaway Joanne! Your blog is lovely and it is just like you to want to make the world a more beautiful place.
It's Wendy Blight. I just returned home from a Carolina Panther party and decided to check my blog and found your comment. It brought tears to my eyes. God is SO good!! How He prepares us in advance for those times where He calls us out of our comfort zone.
Thank you so much for sharing. Although it is hard to go into detail now, your timing means more than you will ever know!!! You have blessed me and your words seem directly from God. I will pray for your perfect that you are studying "Believing God." Please keep me posted on your study; I want to hear what God is doing.
Blessings to you,
I love my blog that a friend did for me for free, but I so could use a pick-me-up right now! (Check my blog for why.)
I love your new look and I really love the work Trista does. They are so beautiful!
So throw me into the basket. I'm going to post your button on my blog right now!
Ooohhh - count me in! Your blog looks great and seems to suit you well.
I am not in need of a makeover because I got one recently. However thanks for the offer and for hosting a giveaway.
I love your blog and thanks for the button.
Your blog is beautiful, and the words you speak so encouraging. Thank you for giving of yourself in so many ways.
I'm adding your button and would love the chance to have a real designer help me out!
Hey, thanks for doing this, would love to win! I have your button on my blog and love to read your site.
My blog could use some love...... Or the new ministry blog I will be starting in the spring/summer. I already have your button but I will play along.....
Thank you for doing this! I posted your button on my blog. I am a new reader and really enjoy your insight. :)
Oh I am in!:) I'm going to add your button right now!
Hello! :)
I'm in!!! I will add your button tonight! This is so fun!!!
No need to enter me. Just checking in. Where in the world are you? Time for an update.
Would love this! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love that you are writing about legacy. My husband and I also had different views. His was happy successful, mine was a man of God first, then of course all those things. I wasn't willing to budge my view and my hubby said he would have to think about it. I stated to him that our son is going to be conflicted if we do not get on the right page together. Hubby thought about it for a few days and said, he wanted that too and has been coming to church, reading the bible some with us and praying with us. It has been wonderful!! Leaving my legacy is so leaving him a action of faith. He has a problem, we go straight to the bible, we pray about it, and for others that may be involved. I talk about God all the time to him. By the way he is 12. And we make church services and activites, and helping others a priority. We keep the lines of communication open.
Thanks for the offer. That would be fun to have a new look to my blog. I have been here several time and enjoy it here very much
Did I win yet? Clearly I've had your Gerbera logo on my blog for the long haul. :)
My blog is brand new and it would be great!
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