Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh, how He loves us.

Jesus loves me. I believe that with all my heart. Yet, on days like today, I'm left overwhelmed by the thought. As we celebrate the anniversary of His death on the cross, come alongside me for a moment and think about what Christ endured.

If you need a refresher read Luke 23:26-56

I spent an hour trying to find a suitable song to convey my heart for Jesus Christ. None seemed good enough. How do you explain your everything? Your all in all? I am overwhelmed by the great "I am", and wishing I had the gift of poetry right about now. My words fall horribly short.

Today, on Good Friday, there are only three that keep repeating themselves over and over again in my head.

He loves us.

Praying you catch a glimpse of how much you are loved.


BARBIE said...

I love HIM and I love this song. We sing it all of the time at church. Funny, when I read how you couldn't find one (before I knew you had) I was going to send you the link to this one! It's perfect!

Mari said...

Great song! His love for us is beyond our comprehension!

Heather of the EO said...

One of my very most absolute favorite songs.

Happy Easter to you!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I too was thinking about this song as I started to read your thoughts. It's one of the best.

Have Blessed Easter.


Amy said...

He loves us so. I hope you have a wonderful Easter celebration.

Braley Mama said...

Amen!!!! Happy weekend!!! Praying you have some great time with the Lord!

Lauren said...

I love that song --- perfect for Good Friday!! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! That song always gets to me - to really ponder how much God loves us!

Praying you'll experience His love greatly on this Easter weekend.


Denise said...

Amen sis, enjoy your Easter.

Karen said...

It is hard to convey such depth of love and feelings...thank the Lord He knows our hearts even when words can't convey how we feel...have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

mariel said...

what a perfect song for Resurrection Day!! Blessings to you!

Tea with Tiffany said...

I love you.

Jesus loves me.

I'm wowed.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Blessed resurrection walk to you and yours, friend.



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