Monday, February 7, 2011

Books I Would Write...

"Have you started your next book?" "What are you going to write now?" "Have any future book ideas?"

It's only been a few months since I hit the send button and launched my manuscript across state lines and into the hands of my editor - already the questions are coming fast and furious. Friends and family want to know if I'm working on my next book.

The problem is, there are lots of things I'd like to write about. If given a chance, I'd write about marriage, divorce, parenting teenagers, finding the perfect garage sale treasures, and 1,00 ways to cook with peanut butter.

Ask the girls I work with and they'll tell you I'm passionate about sucky ignorant parents.I'd love to help equip parents with some of the wisdom I've learned over the years.

Weak parents drive me insane. Parents who are afraid of their children and call the police department to change fourteen years of no-discipline and lack of follow-thru in one visit by a man in blue.

Here are a few books on parenting I'd write if I could:

  • Good Parents ARE Tired Parents
  • The Idiot's Guide to Spanking Your Child Without Leaving A Mark
  • Son, Dial 911 and Your Home Address Will Change
  • Parents of Disrespectful Children Are Lazy
  • Give Less Expect More
  • Shock & Awe Parenting - Training Your Child for the Battlefield of Life

What book would you write?


Amy Sullivan said...

A book about giving (happily!) and a book about let go of some of our sparkley ideas and embracing the ordinary.

katiefish said...

I used to want to write a book called "Broken Promises". Something I felt was leveled against me by my first betrothed. After this black widow ate and spat out her second betrothed, I figured it was me who was partially to blame. Now,in the marriage department, if I were to write a book on marriage, it would be called "It Takes Three to Tango. A marriage of one man, one woman, and God."

karendalycook said...

One book I would write would be,
"Get Real - authentic community in a virtual world"

Jacquelyn Stager said...

"My life between the buns"
"My journey to loving gays"
and some others I can't remember right now!

Denise said...

praying for you.

Susan said...

I've always felt like there is a purpose to the struggle that I've gone through and continue to go through with my first born. I don't want this life to be for nothing and the pain to be useless. To somehow help someone else going through the same situation would give purpose to the craziness. So the title...I'm not there yet! Love you!!!


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