Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blessed Guest - Lisa from Stop and Smell the Chocolates

I'm a Blessed Guest!

My Blessed Guest today has an itty-bitty, teeny-tiny love of chocolate. She is a gal I met through blogland, and one who actually lives close enough for me to hug in person. I do hope to get the chance to throw my arms around her this side of Heaven.

Her blog is a delectable concoction of chocolate, family, yummy recipes, and faith.

Would you please give a big round of comments to my special guest Lisa from Stop and Smell the Chocolates!


Welcome Lisa, it's an honor to have you here. Your blog has touched the hearts of many in the world wide web, mine included. I think I gain a pound every time I head over to your place!
You are so sweet and I am honored to be here today!

Let's begin in the beginning. Tell us about the birth of your blog.

A couple of years ago I was searching the Internet for a recipe and happened to find a blog called Real Life. I was very interested and inspired and started reading it daily. After a while I realized that I wanted to start blogging and that it would help satisfy my craving to write!

What do you/ don't you love about it?

I love the fact that there is a huge blogging world out there with so much information! You can find out anything you need to know! You can also find inspiration and encouragement and make new friends! What I don't love is the temptation to spend so much time on blogging and all that goes along with trying to grow readership and maintain connections. It can easily interfere with household duties if you're not careful!

What has surprised you the most about blogging?

I was first surprised by how large the blogosphere really is. It's like a secret world - LOL! But I was also surprised at how many wonderful and special friendships that I would develop through blogging. I am truly blessed and can now say that I have friends all over the country!

Bloggers are usually writers. Do you write anywhere else or for anyone else?

I do write on a second blog about weight loss struggles and healthy recipes (Stop Eating All The Chocolates). I have enjoyed writing many guest posts for different bloggers. I don't write anywhere else right now but would love an opportunity in the future to write a column or even attempt a book!

Do you use your blog for your ministry?

Well not in the sense that you mean. I don't have a ministry, but I do want women to stop by my blog and feel like they could have a seat in a comfy chair, pour a cup of tea, eat some delicious chocolate, visit with a friend, smile and be blessed and refreshed by a mini break in their busy day.

Who are a few of your favorite blogs to read?

That is always such a hard question! I love all the blogs that I have in my reader and more! My best blogging friend is Kim from Homesteader's Heart and I love her friend Kathy from Blessed Beyond Imagination too. Just a very few of others that I enjoy regularly are Like a Warm Cup of Coffee, Confessions of a Snowflake, Muthering Heights, Way More Homemade, Frugal Femina, Balancing Beauty and Bedlam and Pleasing to You. That doesn't even begin to cover it! You should just stop by my blog and check out all the blogs in my blogroll on the sidebar for a start - LOL!

Have you ever met your blog-friends in person? If so, which ones?

I've been blessed to meet a couple of them! I met Nicole from Being Frugal Is Fabulous and Jill from Frugal Plus. I would love to meet so many more of them!

Who has made the biggest impact on your life?

God has made the biggest impact!! And God has used a wonderful husband and a sweet son to impact me in so many ways. So many people have touched my life in so many ways, but none as profound as my sweet little family and the Lord.

How about some tried and true blog randomness:

Do you have a favorite scripture?

I don't have just one. But here's one of many that I like:

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

What would surprise us about you?

There are so many things! But how about just the simple fact that math was my very favorite subject in school when I was young?

What's your favorite flavored potato chip?

Well I like a good plain ruffled potato chip or a kettle chip with salt and pepper, but I also like Salt & Vinegar chips! No BBQ flavor for me please.

Favorite thing to do with your family?

Just being together! I do love it when we take our annual vacation trip to Montana - it's a fun time.

What book is on your nightstand right now?

None 'cause reading at night makes me too sleepy! But the book I'm trying to finish right now is Attributes of God by Arthur Pink.

Last food you ate?

You have good timing - it was chocolate - LOL!

When was the last time you played the air guitar?

If I ever did, it was in high school. Doesn't mean I don't like to be silly - I just don't play air guitar! :)

Lisa, it was fun to get a chance to take a peek into your life. Thank you for taking the time to share a little bit of yourself with all of us.


Mari said...

I love chocolate too! And I can tell that Lisa is a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing her today!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oh it's my Lisa! I love you Lisa. And I'm pretty sure you'll be coming down here to Disney at some point and you'll then add my name to that list of people you got to hug in real life, and eat chocolate, and drink coffee. LOL!
Oh and Math was my favorite subject in school too but that shouldn't surprise is right? LOL
Love you girlfriend.

Kathy C. said...

Lisa! :) How fun to see you featured on here! You are loved and treasured..I'm thinkin' you're on my way to Hawaii, so if I EVER get to take that dream vacation, I'll stop by, hee hee. Ok, maybe it's more likely that you'll come to Florida??? :)
you know Kim's giving up Chocolate,right? LOL

LisaShaw said...

Lisa, it's a pleasure getting to meet you here on Joanne's Blog. I'll have to pop over and visit with you.

Thanks Joanne for sharing Lisa with us today.

Hugs and love!

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Loved meeting Lisa today. It's always good to have another chocolate consumer in the bunch.

I did want to mention one thing... Lisa talked about not having a "ministry". I understand what she's saying, but I heard something a while back by Amy Bayliss. Something along the lines...

"If you have a testimony, you have a ministry."

It's a statement that has "stuck" with me, reminding me that each of us have been called to ministry, entrusted with the sacred truth of Jesus Christ. And if he can work his love into the hearts of women via chocolate, then all the more!


Moody said...

Loved the post, I am going to have her as well on our blog soon. she is amazing blogger yet very simple..
m & j @

Anonymous said...

So cool. What a fun interview. Feel like it's easier to get to know each other this way.


Jen@balancing beauty and bedlamht said...

What a perfect choice for a guest blogger...she is such an encourager. :)

Denise said...

Nice interview.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Great interview. I love Lisa. She's a great blogger and an even better friend. You gotta love a girl who encourages you to eat chocolate.

And it was nice to meet you, Joanne. Love your blog. I will definitely be back!

BARBIE said...

I love reading Lisa's blogs...both of them. She's a blessing!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for having me Joanne! And thank you all for the sweet comments!

A Chocolate Bouquet said...

Very nice interview-enjoyed seeing it, and actually came across the blog while looking at chocolate blogs, since my own blog has chocolate in the title, and I do a few crafts with the delicious stuff! :)


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